The last service of the camp, we were blessed with this topic on what the devil’s ambition is: how the motive of the devil has always been to be worshiped, how he has been able to achieve his plan and he’s being worshiped.
SCRIPTURES: Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 28:12-15, 2 Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6, Revelation 12:3-4, Genesis 3:6, Proverbs 30:19-20, John 4: 22-24, Revelation 13:7-8, Romans 13:1
Although God created the devil first as Lucifer, he however knew that one day, he was going to become his enemy. He may not have led you into your evil act, but they are not hidden to him, he knows you will do whatever, and he knows how to bring you out if you belong to him. Lucifer was a perfect being, adorned with precious stones, until iniquity was found in him. God have a purpose for creating everyone and everything he has written about you must come to pass; there was no devil that deceived the devil (Lucifer), what he was made for simply came to pass.
The ambition of the devil to be worshiped did not start when Isaiah wrote about him, not even in the garden of Eden, but long before then, in the prehistoric world. He did not start his mission to be worshiped among human, he started first with angel. Please know that the devil will not come to you as a devil for you to worship him, he will disguise as God and if you are not careful, you will worship him in ignorance. And also know that the devil is spirit, and can assume any form appealing to you to worship, hence, another reason to be careful. We honor and respect men but we don’t worship them, our worship should be solely to God. Whosoever you worship here on earth is the one you will reign with in the aftermath. The devil was able to capture one third of the angels through his craftiness into his ambition, and they are indeed reigning with him today,
There is no one that God calls to himself that he will not test. Well, the devil knows that the children of God will not worship him, and so he is looking for how to be worshiped by all means. Although he has gotten angels to worship him, but he wouldn’t be satisfied with that, therefore, came down wanting worship from mankind.
The same way the Holy Spirit can possess a man is the same way the devil can possess. The serpent is not the devil, but the devil possessed the serpent, and the cunning scheme of the devil soon begin to play in the serpent as he talked with the woman. WMB said the woman was bewitched and demoralized, and he was able to conquer the woman by his craftiness, brought her down and slept with her, and the devil again was able to have a seed who will worship him.
Yes, the first sin in the garden of Eden is fornication, the devil however was not after enjoying sexual intercourse with the woman, he was only looking for worship! And knowing that the seed of God will not worship, he opted to find a way to infuse his seed into mankind.
As youths, if you cannot guide your life according to the word of God, and you allow yourself to be deceived by the the devil, he’s converting you to becoming his worshiper. When the devil was able to achieve sowing his seed through the serpent into the woman, he gained descendants who will worship him, through Cain.
We are close to the end of the world, spend all that you have for the Lord, don’t continue to attach yourself to your nativity, there’s no spirit that is good, only the Holy Spirit is good, and if he has called us out, it behooves us to separate ourselves and set ourselves aside for God’s service alone.
When the Antichrist will be empowered, the bible said those that will worship him are those whose names are not written in the lamb’s book of life. Choose who you will worship, both has end though, one to life and the other to death.
Don’t forget that the aim of the devil is to be worshiped, so watch all that God has given to you: your doctrine, your life, your talents, your money, your knowledge, they should rather be vessels of worship to God, the devil should not have the opportunity to pervert us to worshiping him ignorantly.