Let’s commence this review by affirming that the act of giving is not merely a talent; it’s a grace that every Christian should possess. No believer is exempt from this responsibility, just as with prayer. Prayer is not a specialized gift or ministry; it is a fundamental duty of every believer. If one does not engage in prayer, their journey with God has not truly begun. I wouldn’t want us to compare the gift of help in I Corinthians 12:28 with the act of giving, they look similar but very different. Today we’ll be expounding on the act of giving and why we ought to pray for God to give us the grace of giving.

TEXT: I Corinthians 12:28, Ephesians 4:11, Proverbs 11:24, Acts 20:35, II King 5:1, Luke 8:2, Galatians 6:9

God is inherently a giver, and can we consider giving as part of God’s nature? Absolutely. Giving is ingrained in the essence of God and should likewise be intrinsic to us as believers. If we examine everything on Earth, right down to the air we breathe, it is bestowed upon us freely by God. If our Creator can demonstrate such generosity, then what prevents us from emulating the same, especially when God is our ultimate source?

We must recognize factors that can hinder our prayers, and one such hindrance we address today is the act of giving. While it’s acceptable to pray for blessings, lacking a spirit of giving can lead to impoverishment. The practice of giving should be instilled in every household by parents.

The Significance of Giving for Believers (Luke 12:32)

In clear terms, Jesus emphasized the importance of giving by instructing us to sell our possessions and provide for those in need. Why? Because such actions store up treasures in heaven where they remain secure, untouched by theft or decay. However, how many of us are willing to undertake this directive outlined by Jesus? It’s important to recognize that this act is akin to a sacrifice, unrelated to meeting our own needs but focused on benefiting others. Engaging in such acts of giving is indeed a pathway to blessings. If you seek blessings, you must incorporate the practice of giving into your faith.

Prayer itself does not bring blessings; rather, it removes obstacles that hinder the flow of blessings. Therefore, if you desire to be blessed, you must cultivate a spirit of generosity.

The Attitude of the Widow of Zarephath towards Elijah (1 Kings 17:1)

An attitude worthy of emulation is demonstrated by the widow of Zarephath. Despite having limited resources, she chose to selflessly provide for Elijah. This act serves as a testament of true generosity, acknowledged even by Jesus Christ Himself. Such acts of giving should be replicated in the New Testament. Unfortunately, many of us hesitate to display such kindness, often citing excuses.

It is imperative to dispel the misconception that giving to the wealthy, particularly servants of God, is unnecessary. Regardless of one’s status, supporting a genuine servant of God is a wise investment that yields blessings. However, it’s essential to give with sincerity, avoiding any semblance of showmanship or seeking recognition. Give with the sole purpose of honoring God, and may the Almighty guide us in this endeavor.

Join us next week for another enlightening discussion.
