Shalom, Brethren. We are happy to feed you again with our sermon review as we continue the series we started some weeks ago. Brethren, nothing can make our day special than starting and ending our day with the word of God, it stands sure while other things fade away. So, brethren, we are blessed to be fed by His word in this time of spiritual drought. You can also do well to check out previous reviews if you are just following this series and i pray God open your heart to his word.

Text: Matthew 13 : 24, Genesis 18 : 1, Genesis 19 : 1, Luke 17 :28, Rev 3 : 14, Matthew 13 : 30, Genesis 1 : 11

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The Mystery of The Three Visitors Of Abraham (VII)

Quick Recap

We have been able to establish the following in our previous Reviews:

  • Three men visited Abraham; one stayed with him, while the two angels went on to Sodom to carry out their God-given assignments (Genesis 18 :1, Genesis 19 : 1)
  • The event that transpired in the time of Lot will repeat itself in this last age (last Gentile dispensation)
  • 7 Dispensations were allotted to the Gentiles before the return of the gospel to its original source (The Jews) (Revelation 1, 2 and 3)
  • And each dispensation has a messenger that reveals God’s mind to the church for every age.
  • The last Church dispensation (Laodiceans) and its messenger is William Marrion Branham
  • In this end time, God sent 3 messengers to three different groups, just like he did in the days of Lot and they are (Billy Graham, Oral Roberts, William Marrion Branham)

Today, we focused on the condition of this last age, how that this age has everything at her disposal in terms of knowledge and wealth. There is nothing they lack except GOD! This is the reason accepting the truth of the Bible in this age is a problem. They’ve been blinded by the material things they possess. (Revelation 3 : 14 – 22)

When these three men were on earth (Billy Graham, Oral Roberts, William Marrion Branham), they preached. And as they were preaching, they were sowing seed. And each seed will bring forth fruits after its kind according to God’s law (Genesis 1:11). Every preacher you see in this last age is an offspring of any of these three men.

Matthew 13:3,18-24 shows to us that the word of God is seed. It is the word of God that the messenger that stood with Abraham sowed. Prophet William Marrion Branham is a type of that messenger in this age.

The interpretation of parable of the wheat and the tares.

Matthew 13:3-6

The good seeds are the children of the kingdom, because they are the spoken word of God. They are the image of Christ. The tares are the children of the world. The field is the world, the one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man (Jesus Christ). The one who sowed the evil seed is the devil, the reapers are the angels. The time of harvest is the end of the world, where God is returning every fruit to his own seed (where it came from).

Today, God is using some harvesters to harvest the seeds: the tares to be bundled for fire, and the wheat into God’s barn. Therefore, be sure that the message you believe is connecting your heart to the Kingdom of God and not to the things of the world.
