We thank God who has not left us in a spiritual famine. He has chosen to lighten our path by his word. We welcome you brethren as you read through today’s review. Last time we laid a background on the seven gentile dispensations which is God’s mystery revealed to the bridal group. Please go through the previous reviews in this series for proper understanding of the topic.
Link to Previous Reviews:
The mystery of The Three Visitors of Abraham (VI)
The Mystery of The Three Visitors of Abraham (V)
Text: Matthew 13 : 24, Genesis 18 : 1, Genesis 19 : 1, Luke 17 :28, Rev 3 : 14, Matthew 13 : 30, Genesis 1 : 11
We started today’s sermon by expounding on our previous definition of what Mystery means, especially in the context of the Bible, and to whom it is given to understand the mystery of the Bible. We also revised previous subtopics we have treated in our past sermon reviews. Below is the list of what we revised:
- The events that transpired in the days of Noah and Lot
- How it correlates with what is happening in this last dispensation
- The 3 messengers that visited Abraham and their separation process; where one stood with Abraham to reveal the mind of God, and the other 2 went on to Sodom to carry out their assignments.
- The two groups in Sodom: “Lot’s group and the Sodomites’ group”
The 7 Dispensations of The Gentile Age
Today, we expounded more on the 7 dispensations of the Gentiles. In this last day God has divided the Gentile age into 7, as we have introduced in our previous review. Jesus Christ revealed this mystery in Revelation 2 and 3. After the rejection of Christ by the Jews, God turned to the Gentiles and dealt with them by sending to every dispensation (age) a messenger. The first church is the Ephesus church age (Revelation 2:1), whose messenger was Apostle Paul. We are currently in the last dispensation and we have a messenger sent to this age to reveal the mind of God. For this teaching we will dwell more on this last gentile dispensation.
The Last (7th) Gentile Dispensation (Revelation 3:14)
The last Gentile age started in 1909 and is still on. The prophet of this last age is William Marrion Branham. The condition of this age was described in Revelation 3:14 which pointed out:
- The mystical spiritual nakedness of the age;
- The lukewarmness of the people of the age;
- Pride.
All these are the current happenings in this age.
Believers in this last age are however, advised to make the decision of not being lukewarm. If you want to be cold, be properly cold. And if you want to be hot, please be.
Luke 17:28 spoke about our age typing the days of Lot, where God and two angels visited Abraham. Afterward, the two angels went to Sodom to carry out ministries as directed by God. Abraham engaged God and received the revelation of the mind of God towards Sodom. He also received God’s promise for his life.

God anointed three men with special anointing to sow seed as depicted in Matthew 13: 24 – 36 for this last age. And these 3 men were Americans. Below are the names of these men and their ministries:
- Billy Graham: He was born in 1918 and died in 2018. He was an Orthodox denominational preacher. His ministry did not have any of the spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12 and 14. This is the reason his group do not believe in signs and wonders. He is a TYPE of one of the angels that went to Sodom. The group constitutes the Baptists, Anglicans, Catholics, Methodists and some others.
- Oral Roberts: He was born in 1918 and died in 2009. He started the movement of the Pentecostal denomination who believe in signs and wonders but pay little or no attention to the revelation of the word of God. He was said to live a luxurious life in his time, he founded the prosperity preaching gospel. He was a type of the second angel that went to Sodom.
- William Branham: He was born in 1909 and died in 1965. He was a type of the messenger (God in the flesh) that stayed with Abraham. He had both the signs and the revelation of the word of God. God used him to reveal his plan to the bride of Jesus Christ just as God revealed his plans to Abraham. The revelation of the seven church ages, the seven seals, the original sin, etc, was revealed to the bride through him.
God has time for everything. This is the last gentile age and God is currently revealing his mind to the bridal group. The question is ‘Are you part of them?’
Join us on our next sermon review as we conclude this series.