We bless God who has revealed unto us his mind this time concerning the mystical happenings in this present world. We also give thanks to him who has brought us out of darkness into light. Here is a conclusion of the sermon series we started weeks ago. For complete understanding of this teaching, do well to check out our previous reviews.

Link To Previous Review

The Mystery of The Three Visitors of Abraham (VIII)

Text: Luke 17:28-30, Revelations 3:15-17, 1 Timothy 4:1-3, Genesis 18:13-15, 1 Corinthians 3:10-13, Matthew 16:14

Luke 17 : 25 – 36 vs Revelation 3 : 14 -16 – 22

God spoke of the condition of our age in the book of Revelation – a book written only to the bride of Jesus Christ. God divided the church age into seven dispensations as we have previously explained. And the fruits that our age (Laodicean) will produce is what Jesus Christ prophesied in Luke 17:28-30. Laodicea age is the age where people give heed to seducing spirits (1Tim 4 : 1- 3), and deviate from The Faith (belief) of the apostles of old. We are in an age where people have sound earthly knowledge, especially in science. This age is a type of Lot’s age.

Explanations on the Fruits Yielded By The Seeds Sown By The Three Messengers

In the days of Abraham, three men visited him. Two later went to Sodom where Lot was, while the third messenger remained with Abraham. Symbolically, William Marrion Branham is a type of the man who stayed with Abraham to reveal the plan of God and to perform miracles. The other two messengers who went to Sodom to destroy her represent Oral Roberts and Billy Graham respectively. All these messengers were however, seed sowers. The seed sown represents the word.

William Marrion Branham planted the original seed which is the unadulterated word of God prepared for the bride of Jesus Christ. Billy Graham sowed the seed in the Orthodox circle while Oral Roberts sowed the seed among the pentecostal denomination. Today, each seed that was planted by these three messengers is yielding fruits after its kind. The fruit cannot yield against its seed. Orthodox and Pentecostal movements cannot bear fruits contrary to the seeds sown by their messengers. (Genesis 1:11-12)

Every of our beliefs will be tried in fire. So, it behooves us to align ourselves with the standards of the foundation laid by Apostle Paul. Because, God will judge us by His word, not by our denominational constitution. Therefore, seek to be part of the mystical body of Christ. Believe in the whole truth of the Bible and shun every denominational Creed that does not align with the Unadulterated Word of God.
