We thank God for His Word which is ever true. We welcome you brethren as you read through today’s review. Please go through the first review in this series for proper understanding of the topic.

Link to Previous Review:

The Mystery of the Three Visitors of Abraham (I)

Text: Luke 17 : 26, 1 John 2:18, 2 Peter 3 : 2-7, Genesis 1: 6,  Hebrews 11 : 7

We started a teaching on The mystery of the three visitors of Abraham last Sunday. Today, we will be doing a review on the part two of this teaching which is centered on doubt. 

We were able to establish in our last review the relationship between the days of Noah and this present age. And also, the days of Lot in comparison with our present age (Luke 17:26). What brought about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and the people in the days of Noah was doubt. The people doubted the messengers God sent to them. They mocked Noah while he built the ark. The sons-in-law of Lot also mocked him when he told them to leave Sodom because of the destruction that was to come upon it. It is the same in our day. Doubt has filled the heart of so many people. Some are even beginning to doubt whether there is hell. As there was doubt in the days of Noah, so also there is doubt in this present age, even among believers.

Disadvantages of doubting:

1. A doubter can lose his position in God’s presence 

2. A doubter can never be entrusted with the work of the kingdom

3. A doubter can throw himself to hell by doubting God

4. A doubter cannot receive from God.

Believers should understand that faith takes dying to this world and living for God. Keep believing in God. Because, God cannot put faith to shame.

You need more than hearing and recognizing the word of God to walk with God. You also need to start acting on the word of God. You should not replicate what happened in the days of Noah and Lot, where they heard and mocked the word of God. Hold the Fort and remain unmovable. Keep trusting in the Lord and in His promises. 

God bless you, brethren.