The sermon started with a background on why we should pray for God’s revelation each time we pick up the Bible to study. This is because, understanding the Bible goes beyond comparing verses with verses. You need revelation to understand the mind of God. Lack of revelation will make you miss the actual way God deals with his chosen bride. You may practise religion and still not be in God’s chosen way. Denomination has failed to see the right way, because they have chosen to ignore the Prophet (William Marrion Branham) sent by God to this last age(Laodicean age). God has revealed mysteries to him. God also used him to point every man back to the faith of the apostles who wrote the New Testament.

Three Angels Visited Abraham

The three men that visited Abraham were not like earthly men. But they appeared in a theophany body (heavenly body). It took the revelation of the Holy Spirit for Abraham to recognise who they were. When Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw three men, he said, “My Lord…” He was able to distinguish God from the remaining two angels. He had the revelation of who God was. Now, what if they visited you today? Would you be patient enough to distinguish God from the angels? Would you not call them Gods or three Gods? Do not forget that God and angels can appear in any form. That is why you can see an old man in your dream and recognise him as God. Yes! You may even see an angel appear to you in form of a man. You need revelation to know the mind of God. And if you get closer to God, he will reveal Himself to you.

Abraham was right when he called one of the men God. God proved him right when he stayed back to discuss with Abraham concerning his plan for Sodom and Gomorrah. God said, “Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do?” (Gen. 18:16).

In like manner, Abraham was able to recognise Melchizedek, king of Salem as the high priest of God. He distinguished him from the remaining four Kings. He also gave the tithe of all the spoil he gathered from the battle to Melchizedek. (Gen. 14: 17 – 20

Those who were visited by God and two angels are divided into three groups:

1. Abraham’s group:

Abraham’s group are the separated group. They were not in Sodom neither were they Sodomites. God revealed his plan only to Abraham and his group. In this age also, God is revealing His mind to His bride, the seed of Abraham. We are the representatives of Abraham in this age.

2. Lot’s group:

Lot was not a Sodomite. He was an Hebrew, a nephew to Abraham. When the two angels visited Lot, he referred to them as “lords” not “Lords”. It is the same meaning as the lord Sarah called her husband. It means “master”. He entertained them like Abraham did. Despite the fact that they came as simple men, he still respected them. You don’t know when God will visit you. So, prepare everyday as though you were expecting the visitation of the Lord.

3. Sodom’s group:

The Sodomites looked down on the men that visited their land. They are a type of denominations. They had no respect for the Messengers of God. Don’t be like them. Respect the Message and the Messenger brought to you in this age. It is the only means by which you can escape from the destruction that is to come upon this earth.

The same way God sent His prophet, Noah, to warn His people before the destruction of the world, so also, God has sent His Prophet, William Marrion Branham to turn the hearts of His children back to the faith of the apostolic fathers before He will come and smite the earth.

Therefore, brethren, while you live in this earth, ensure that you do not live your lives according to the pattern of this world. Please, be distinguished for Christ.

God bless you, brethren.