For a true church of God, she is guided by the Holy Spirit, and every new page that opens before the church to operate in, the Holy Spirit is the Orchestrator. And that is why you should never let your problem make you lose faith in God, because He alone has the solution to your problem, and at His right time, will come for your deliverance. Amen! So we welcome you into the review.


TEXT: Revelation 3:7, Ephesians 6:12, Revelation 2:22-24, Isaiah 14:12-14, Ezekiel 28: 14, Revelation 12:3, 2Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6, Exodus 1:8, Exodus 5:1-2, Romans 9:16-22, Deuteronomy 18:10, Exodus 8:16, Luke 8:1-3, Acts 8:2-24.

Today, we continued with our sermon, “The Mystery of Demonology”, and it’s important we go through this topic because as deep as God is, so is the devil; and the devil’s subtlety sometimes are not usually obvious to our literal understanding –a demon possessed person is not only the one that flies at night, this is why it is a mystery, only the Holy Spirit can reveal it. The purpose of the sermon is to purge His church from every traces of darkness, and also to equip us with the word so that we becomes free indeed. There are two major aspects the servant of God dealt with today: the iniquity of Lucifer; and the foreknowledge of God.


Ezekiel 28 talks about the makeup of Lucifer, his decorative precious stones which God adorned him with. His beauty made him exalt himself, and began to imagine iniquity. When we got to Isaiah 14, we found out what the iniquity was –he wanted to be like God.

When Lucifer purposed this evil thought, he didn’t just stay at the thought level, he also carried it out. That is why he was able to, with his craftiness (tail) draw one-third of the angels to himself, and they all sinned by that (we found that in Revelation 12:2-3). That is why God did not spare them. 2Peter 2:4 reveals this to us. These fallen angels are the ones that became the demons of today.

Brother, rebellion is a sin to God, you should not be. In the church where you belong, don’t be a rebel, don’t twist the word of God when you go out. More so, do not allow your first zeal to die, let it continue, and increase, it has reward; you should not be celebrating past victories and zeal, whilst growing cold at the moment. The angels that the devil was able to draw to himself did not keep their first estate according to Jude 1:6, and by this laxity, the devil was able to get them. We should be careful because the devil is looking for who to convert to himself.


The Bible made us to understand that God is an unquestionable potter who can make out of his clay whatever he wills for Himself. He could decide to make out of his clay a pot suitable for use, while he disposes the other. To make it more plain, not everyone on earth is of God. God has his own in the world. Yes, God is the Creator (the devil did not create anyone, he can only pervert), but we must understand that in the garden of Eden, the worship seeking devil crept into the garden and was able to infuse his seed also in Eve. And that is why God placed enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. (Gen. 3:15).

In the womb of Rebecca, when she went to enquire from God regarding the trouble she was experiencing whilst in conception, the Lord said to her that ‘two manner of people’ shall be separated from her bowel. Wow! So God has His own in the world!

Well, fashioned in God as part of His attributes is “longsuffering”, He doesn’t destroy anyone until first, He has warn. So even to those who are not His, he still extends His love and longsuffering towards them. But the caveat to this is alarming! Because you cannot become contrary to what is sowed in you. So eventually, there was no way Pharaoh could have repented! Because God created him for the purpose of destruction. God knew Lucifer will turned Devil, he knew the third part of angels would become demons –He created them for that purpose. We can only pray to be vessels that God wills to show His divine mercy to salvation, however, the bible says there are people that have been fitted for destruction. (Romans 9:22) Who are we to condemn God? In the book of Revelation, we found a woman who called herself prophetess, Jezebel. Despite her evil and spiritual fornication, God gave her space to repent, but she did not, she can’t after all.

This is not to scare you, you have been made a vessel unto God’s mercy. Just ensure you submit yourself under the mighty hand of God, and cooperate with Him. Humility is so necessary for you if you must walk close to God. God only exalts humble people. In Luke 8: 1-3, there were people of high dignity in the time of Jesus that were delivered from demon spirits and infirmities, they were not offended that they were being ridiculed by Jesus. If your husband was Peter and you were in the church the day Jesus called Peter Satan, won’t you be offended?

God does not disgrace brothers and sisters. But we have to learn His ways and humble ourselves, and God will be faithful to purge and keep us blameless till His coming.

God bless you brethren!

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