We bless the Lord for His great work, we can indeed testify to it that Pentecost is not ended yet, because amongst the bride of Christ, God is still being made manifest. With the experience we had in our local assembly, God decided to take us through another dimension, revealing to us the mystery of demonology. So please, endeavor to read through.

Text: Isaiah 14:12-14, Genesis 1:1, Matthew 13:11, Genesis 6:1, Ezekiel 28:13-16, Romans 11:33-34, Ephesians 3:8, Romans 9:10-17, Genesis 1:31, Jude 1:6, 1Peter 2:4-9,  Isaiah 60:1-2, 9, Revelation 12: 1-4, Psalm 23:4, Acts 16:16

The Purposes of God and the Creation of Lucifer

First, it is necessary to know that God is mysterious, He only knows the purpose for which he creates whatever he created, and these purposes are hidden in mysteries, and can only be revealed when he wants to, and to whoever He wants to reveal it to. And that is why Jesus said that it is given to a certain group of people to know the mystery of the kingdom. You cannot question God, He is the Creator. So, in creation, there is the purpose of God.

God created the angels first, and they had their world which we referred to as the pre-historic world. Lucifer was the head of the angels, he was created by God to stands before Him and bear His light, to carry the message of God to the angels. However, in the book of Isaiah, we realize that this Lucifer fell through pride, wanting to be like the Most High. In his world, despite his position, he still wanted to be God, to ascend to the Most High. The very meaning of Lucifer means “Light Bearer”, but God disappointed his ambition by casting him down, it was when he was casted down that he became the devil. It then becomes obvious to us that one attribute of pride is –uncontentment! Be careful of your thought, brethren. Learn to think right. Lucifer was a perfect being, flourished and created with precious stones, but iniquity was found in him, and right in his thoughts, iniquity was present.

A question can then sprout within us, that “didn’t God know that he was going to fall?” He did! So why did He created him? This is the mystery we want to reveal today, because for sure, he had his purpose, and God knows the end from the beginning.

Also, it is needed to know that Lucifer is masculine and not feminine, but most of his captured followers are females. If we should look at the devil in the Garden of Eden, he went to meet the woman, and not thee man. (Genesis 3). In Genesis 6, we found the serpentine lineage among man called the ‘daughters of men’, who artificially adorn themselves, having the beauty of the devil. Brothers and sisters, God does not shine, He glows in His divine glory and strength, and if you are a child of God, you will not be seeking the artificial beauty of the world to adorn yourself with to dishonor your God, but you will with shamefacedness, and a consciousness to glorify God beautify yourself in a modest way.

After the fall of Lucifer, he became the head of every demons being the devil (do evil).

Now, brethren, God in his unsearchable wisdom decided to create enemy by Himself for Himself! Well, you can’t fathom that by your intellect, but that is the mystery behind the creation of Lucifer. If God is the Light, He will need darkness to show His value and essence. You cannot know the power of God without the devil.

Looking at the example in Egypt, the Bible made us realize that God hardened the heart of Pharaoh so that He can have a forum to show how mighty He is. The stubbornness of Pharaoh led to the power of God in Egypt. Without the unbelief of Pharaoh, we will not read of the miracle of the red sea. It’s amazing that God who cannot be defeated, decided to create enemy for Himself, just for the purposes of His mysterious will. The miracle of the red sea made every other nation that heard about the people of Israel to fear their God. God does not do anything without having what to achieve out of it, He is Wisdom!

To come from another angle: everyone who commits a sin, or make any mistake, will attribute it to the devil, saying “the devil deceived me.” The question I like you to think about is, “who deceived the devil?” [Selah]. Brother, God knows about it all.

How we ought to be grateful if God saved us, it can only be by the grace of God. It shows that in Himself, ever before the world began, He had chosen you. He does things at the according to the purposes of His Will.

The devil can only pervert

Except Adam, and Jesus Christ, there is no one who has not been perverted by the devil. The devil did not even create himself, so he cannot create anything. He can only pervert. That is why it is needed to have a second birth if we must stand with God at the end.

The devil also succeeded in forming a coup with a third part of the angels against God. In prosecuting his iniquity, he communicated to some angels who believed him, these angels failed to keep their positions, (James 1:6), and the devil was able to pervert them to himself –they are the ones that became the fallen angels (demons) of today, because God casted them down.

The bible tells us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but with principalities, with powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places –these are the perverted angels that the devil succeeded over. The conspiracy brought about their fall, and they all turned to become the enemies of God.

Will it not be wise for us to so keep our salvation with serious jealousy, because if the devil could succeed over angels to pervert them, how much less man?

We are fighting today with demons, but know that no mortal man is a demon, we are flesh and blood; these demons are spirits, they possess people. However, you can be delivered ‘if you want to’. If you surrender yourself to God, He is able to make you a vessel unto honor.

Demons operates in various ways, they can be in physical realms, or as religious spirits or enticing spirit. And like we said that the devil is a spirit, he can both possess male and female. When you see a man who is perverting the word of God to suit his fleshy desires, he’s possessed by the devil.

The tricks the Devil Uses in Possessing People

Learn wisdom friends, we are in a spiritual world full of mysterious things, and every day, we are fighting battles, that is why you should be very careful. The devil is wild! It is not everywhere you can go, it is not everything we can do.

The devil can possess anyone at any age, be careful with your children, you don’t allow them to do whatever they want, and it is not every birthday party they can go. Don’t because of friendship sell yourself or children to the devil. You should not be careless. Sometimes, the way we trivialize things shows that we trust the devil, don’t take things literal as they appear. Demons can possess people even from birth. Be spiritual enough to know when to pray, do not take for granted the presence of God, because that is your security. Don’t play with the word of God.

In the Bible, Paul had an encounter with a damsel who was possessed with the spirit of divination, and she was bringing much gain to her mistress. A damsel is a lady who is less than 16 years of age, yet, was so possessed of the devil.

Brethren, God is not in abnormality! When things or someone is growing too intense or smarter than necessary, watch it; God is not a magician. The damsel for many days was following Paul screaming, and although what she was saying sounded good, she was possessed of the devil, and Paul casted that spirit out of her.