We bless the name of the Lord who again has reminded us of our priceless hope in Christ Jesus by his word. Today, we initiated a new topic titled “If Only in this world we have hope in Christ” and as you read through I pray God expound this teaching in your heart (Amen).


Text: 1Corinthians 15:12 – 19, Psalms 42:1, 1Corinthians 9:24, Colossians 3:1, Mark 12:18, Luke 16:19, 1peter 1:3, Genesis 25:8, Genesis 35:29, Daniel 12:2, John 5:28, Isaiah 26:9, Revelation 20:12. John 3:13 – 14, 1Corinthians 2:9, Hebrews 11:1, Genesis 35:16, Revelation 11:4, Matthew 17:1, Revelation 21:1

Brethren, this time we are in is not a time to come to fellowship at our convenience, if this is your specialty, it shows that the thirst for God is not in you; we’re in a time where every true believer is to soak him/herself in the word of God, because that is our own armour to fight every works of the flesh. As a background to today’s sermon, below are the questions we answered by the scripture.

Is There Resurrection? Is There Life After Death?

The rhetorical question to ask ourselves in order to answer the above questions is – “why are we really serving God?, Are we serving God because of what we want to gain in this world”?  Saints of God,if why we do the things we do for the gospel is for its worldly gain, then, we are people without spiritual sight and we are the most miserable set of people on earth (1Corinthians 15:19). It is necessary for us to know that there is life after death; and what the Lord has prepared for them that love him, eyes has not seen it neither has ear heard of it and no mind has conceived it, more reasons why apostle Paul in Philippians 1:21 said for him to die is gain, he understood the reward that awaits his life after death; it simply depicts that there is a life after passing out time on this earth. Believers are likened to sport men who deny themselves of so many things to project for success, even down to what they eat, they are well disciplined to watch their physical weight; and all these are for them to obtain a corruptible crown (1Corinthians 9: 24), but for a believer, it’s vice-versa, we have an incorruptible crown to possess if we run this spiritual race successfully.

Today, we have people question resurrection, even asking if there is life after death; but praise be to God who gave us his word (bible) to answer all biblical questions. In Mark 12:25, Jesus assured us of resurrection, giving us a foretaste of what to expect; there won’t be marriages and resurrected saints shall be like angels in heaven (What a hope!!!).

God is not the God of the dead, but of the living (Mark 24:27). A picture of resurrection and life after death is what we can see with Lazarus, the Rich man and Abraham (Luke 16:20), a deeper look into this scenario; we can see how Lazarus connects with Abraham (who he only heard of but had not seen) and the rich man. And this gives a clear understanding of positioning after death, one was at rest and the other was been tormented. By revelation, this should minister a push for us not to just clap when we hear resurrection, but a question should drop into your heart asking you where will you be when you resurrect? A good positioning just like that of Lazarus is determined for you if you have fed your soul with the word of God. How do you take care of your soul?


1Peter 1:3-4 – Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you

Brethren, we have a lively hope, and hope is referring to something to come, and what is to come for us believer is beyond what we experience here on earth, it’s more than the good life you think you have, it’s a hope to reward our earthly sacrifices for Christ and that’s why we must live a life that can be resurrected unto this lively hope. We ought to know that there are two types of resurrection; resurrection unto Eternal life and resurrection unto damnation (John 5:28, Revelation 20:12) accompanied with two kind of books for eternal positioning; The book of life and the books, the book of life holds the names of faithful stewards who believed in the name of Jesus Christ and have served here on earth giving their all, while the other books hold the names of those who have chosen religion over the word of God and are to be judged – What type of resurrection would you want for yourself, a resurrection unto eternal life or unto damnation?.

Where will you surface after death? Mind you, your destination is not determined by any man but Jesus Christ (John 3:13), so if you are there deceiving yourself, no one can create a slot for you, your life must earn a resurrection unto eternal life.

Heroes of Faith that kept the Hope of Resurrection

Hebrews 11 gave account of men who understood the hope of what is to come, because they knew there was more to life after death; they refused selling off their birthright. They suffered torture, refused to accept deliverance, stoned, sawn asunder, tempted, slayed with the sword, wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins in the deserts, destitute, afflicted, tormented, all these they endured so that they can obtain a better resurrection – What have you really done to earn this same hope?

We have these men sacrificed all they had to pursue an eternal reward; brethren, our reward is not in this world. We have a glorious hope, don’t mind the trial you are going through even after you have tried everything needed, God has a better reward amidst your trouble.

Believers ought to see beyond this Pentecostal preaching of breakthrough, your physical breakthrough is temporary compared to the reward God has in store for you.

The reward of the Gospel is not material things, it’s not that good marriage or good job you think you have, if all we live for is on that, it means we are the most miserable – The reward of the gospel cannot be materialistic in nature (At all!), if it was, then men like Moses, Abraham, Paul, and others must have wasted their time giving their lives to God. But I tell you today that our reward is beyond this world.

Don’t trade away your hope living your life outside the constraint of the word of God.

Brethren, there is a new heaven prepared for us (Revelation 21:1 – 8), it’s a lively hope. – Make sure you are deliberately checking yourself everyday by the word of God and also working for God, because our reward is not only in this world.

Let us keep pushing forward for our eternal position by our sincere service unto the lord.
