Today we continue with the sermon titled, “the three powerful weapons the devil uses to bring you down”, with emphasis on a very potent weapon God has given us to overcome, which is “Faith”. But as believers, we need to exercise balanced faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for… “Faith” is invisible, while “substance” is something tangible, can be seen.
Text: Hebrews 11:1, Job 13:15, Daniel 3:16, Matthew 26:38, Matthew 16:21, Acts 21:11, Luke 22:31, Romans 8:35, Psalm 42:1
Faith is not forcing God to do what is not His will. It is thus expedient to know what is God’s will. It is wrong for you as a child of God to say, “God, if you don’t do this, it means you are not God”. That is an act of unbelief, and blasphemous. Rather, Faith is you doing contrary to your will, and doing the will of God in the process. So when you pray, pray in the will of God, then He will answer your prayers according to His will.
The three Hebrew brothers exercised this faith when faced with the threat of the King Nebuchadnezzar. With their summation being one of staying true to God regardless of whether he would save them or not, even though they knew God was able to save them. But the crux of the matter was for the will of God to be done in the situation they found themselves.
The word of God is the treasure house of a believer, it is there you find faith (which is the most effective weapon) required to defeat the devil’s armory (evil thoughts, doubt, fear). Your confession and profession as a christian will not deter the devil from launching his brutal attacks. Your faith Is the only defense capable of repelling these attacks (Luke 22:32).Your weakness is known to the devil, and as such, only a balanced faith sic the will of God will make you a trepidation to the devil. So, let your faith be rooted in the word of God.
There are things that God will not deny His children, because they are His unfailing promises (an example is the fruit of the womb).
When Jesus prayed, he prayed for God to take the cup away from Him, because it isn’t a sweet thing to die. That was His own will. But he went on, saying, “…nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt let your will be done”. That will of God was for him to die, so that God through His death would have children to Himself. Which was just what happened.
Jesus Christ quickly rebuked Peter, when he suggested something contrary to what was the will of God for Him. He said, “Get thee behind me, satan: thou savourest not the things of God, but those that be of men”. He wasn’t referring to Peter as satan, rather, it was the spirit that spoke through peter.
It is when you have this kind of faith, resolute in the face of death, that is when the devil will fear you. Anything can change, but do not allow your faith to change. For that is your treasure.
Conclusion: Psalms 42:1 should describe the spiritual state of a believer. The scripture clearly states that a believer ought always to set his heart to the things above by thirsting for God. A Christian should be like a deer. A deer always stays close to the water, because water neutralizes the dart from a hunter. In similar vein, as a believer, don’t stay away from fellowship (the house of God), that is where you find the word of God, which will neutralize the darts from the devil.