Should a generation that has received a message from the Lord still be found in confusion? Should the Internet be a substitute-Holy Spirit for a believer to enquire about Bible truth? Knowledge indeed has increased as the Bible said it would. And our inability to comprehend the message of God in this generation may result in us being swayed by the world’s carnal intellectual knowledge, in trying to disprove the guileless word of God. So, follow me closely today as we examine one of the topics they are trying to discomfit: WHO IS THIS MELCHIZEDEK?

TEXT: 2 Timothy 3:1, 1Timothy 4:1, 2 Peter 2:1, 2 Peter 3:3, Genesis 14:1-20, Genesis 25:1-2, Exodus 3:1, Genesis 41:45, Genesis 18:1, Hebrews 6:18-20, Hebrews 7:1-17, Luke 24:13, Daniel 3:23.

The devil is always doing one thing – perverting the word of God– he doesn’t have any other book to operate with than the bible. He does this so as to demean your faith in God, and that is why we must be meticulous about how we hear and what we hear. When the devil came to Eve, he came playing on the exact instruction God gave to Adam and Eve. Can you see? He is still at work, thus you need revelation, not seminary!


When Abram was coming from the slaughter of the kings, he met this mysterious man who was a King and Priest of God Most High. Whoever this man was, he must be connected to God, right? But in the Bible, the only possibilities that exist are these: we could have a Prophet-Priest, or a Prophet-King, but God never had a King who was also a Priest. So if Melchizedek was both ‘a king and a priest’ –of God, who is He? Remember Jesus Christ is the only One who is Prophet, Priest and King!

Meanwhile, in Exodus 3:1, we see Jethro –the priest of  Midian, but he was never called the priest of God. Also, in Genesis 41:45, Joseph got married to the daughter of the priest of On, he was also not referred to as the priest of God. Only Melchizedek was referred to as ‘priest of the Most High.’ This being brought bread and wine to Abram, and he blessed him; and to this being, Abram gave tithes of all.

Let’s see some features;

  • This Melchizedek prefigured Jesus Christ.

The bible declared Jesus Christ as a Priest according to the order of Melchizedek. If Jesus remains a Priest forever, would he be likened to a finite-timed man? Can any man do anything that God could copy from? If Melchizedek was a Gentile king, would the eternal kingdom of Christ be equated with his? If the kingdom of God is then compared with that of Melchizedek –which is definitely eternal in nature, then Melchizedek must be God –‘cause only God is Eternal!

Paul, having received the revelation of scriptures, told us that Melchizedek has neither beginning of days nor end of life, without father or mother, without genealogy. Whoever this is, He is God!

When God wants to reveal Himself to you, He is Spirit, thus will reveal Himself in a form (body). The body of God is a theophany body or a celestial body, and that was the body with which He appeared to Abram. God in this body came down to Abraham with two angels in Genesis 18. Notice that three people appeared to Abraham as he sat in his tent, but when Abraham was to address them, he said, “My Lord” not “lords”. Abraham knew Him; he knew that the remaining two were His witnesses, and not the other two Gods. God is one, not three.

Yes, when God was to redeem man, He prepared a body for Himself –even the tabernacle of Jesus, and after his baptism, the fullness of God was encapsulated in Him [Colossians 2:9]. And the very sign that Jesus demonstrated, Melchizedek demonstrated –the sign of the Son of Man (discerning the intents of man’s heart). And that was why He could tell that Sarah who was behind in another tent laughed when He was speaking with Abraham. Thus, Melchizedek (who was God in His theophany body) prefigured Jesus Christ in whom the Godhead was domiciled.

Did it occur to you that Melchizedek brought bread and wine to Abram, just as Jesus broke bread amongst His disciples in the evening? In Luke 24:30, the two men that were coming from Emmaus were only able to recognize Jesus Christ when He broke bread with them.

  • Melchizedek, King of Salem

There is no nation in history called ‘Salem’, Paul revealed to us that Salem means ‘Peace’, and He is a King. See? Whoever this is, He is the Father of Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace, but this Melchizedek is the King of Peace!

He is also the King of Righteousness. No earthly king takes the title ‘Righteousness’, The only Righteous One is God. Gentiles serve dumb idols as Paul said, so if Melchizedek was a Gentile king, could he be righteous?

  • Melchizedek took tithes

When God called Abram, He blessed him and told him that all nations would be blessed through him. Thus, no one is greater than Abram on earth for he is the father of all nations with the blessing! However in Hebrews 7, scripture expound to us that the ‘one whose genealogy wasn’t derived from them (the tribe of Levi) received tithes from Abraham and blessed him who had the promises’ (Heb. 7:6). Then the Bible says in verse 7,

“And without all contradiction the less is blessed of the better.”

Who is the less? Abraham; who is the better? Melchizedek. If Melchizedek was an earthly king, could he be greater than Abraham -in whom all nations must be blessed? Can you now see that those with this cerebral claim that Melchizedek is a Gentile king are nothing but perverts?

Friends and elders, by the revelation of scriptures, we can say emphatically that Melchizedek is no Gentile king, rather, He is the revelation of God in His theophany body.

Shalom, and God bless you.

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Who is Melchizedek?