We welcome you to today’s sermon review, in this sermon, God elucidated the issue of “vow” through his servant. Keep reading and be blessed!
Scriptures: 1Samuel 1:10, Genesis 28:20, Act 10:1-5, Genesis 31:4-7, Numbers 29:39, 2King 12:13-15.
There are various kinds of vow in the Bible: vow of bargain – the vow of Jephthah is an example of a vow of bargain; vow of blessing – the vow for blessing is not a bargain; vow of service and offering – the vow of Jacob is a vow of service and offering. Brothers and sisters, if you want to be blessed, the vow you need to understand to give is a vow of service and offering.
Jacob made a vow of service in Genesis 28, he vowed to give God the tenth of all he had if God would preserve his life and make him to come back to his father’s house in peace, but he began to give his vow even before returning back to his father’s house. He didn’t wait until he got back to his father’s house. Jacob made himself rich through the knowledge of God by understanding the vow that brings blessing.
The reason you are operating on a permanent level is because you don’t know the way of blessing. You bargain with God, instead of making acceptable sacrifices to Him. There is no other way to be blessed of God beyond your expectation than for God to give you the revelation of how to give to him.
There are different kinds of grounds –you don’t sow your seed on a concrete ground, a wise man will sow on a fertile ground – the true gospel of Jesus Christ (the message of Malachi 4:4-6). That is what God has given us in this generation. Therefore, sow into the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
A problem that is ahead of you could be solved today by your peace offering to God. And that’s why God delivers you from problems you would have encountered in future. If truly you sow, you will reap! Make a vow, and give it –don’t play smart! Remember, the vow of service and offering to God is a vow of blessing.
More so, for those who are in the service of God and to church, you have to be careful with the way you handle God’s money. The church may not demand accountability from you because they trust you, but God is looking at you. The money of the children of God gotten in a hard way should not be used by you for luxury. You are walking on Emmanuel’s ground, and you are expected to be Christians. Many of the problems you are facing are caused by your unfaithfulness to God’s work when it is committed to you. It’s not only in tithe that you can rob God, when a work of the church is entrusted in your care, how you handle it can determine whether you rob God or not.
Let’s not be lascivious handling the things of God, take care of it the way you would take care of your personal belongings. Be very much sincere to yourself when handling the things of God because God is not a respecter of persons.
God bless you.