Like any natural man would love to see the ephemeral moment, the disciples were enthused to request Jesus to see the beauty of the temple. It appealed to them, of course, but Jesus saw beyond, and instead of satisfying their limited sense of sight, he pointed them to the future, and began to tell them about the end of time. It came as a shock to them, prompting them to ask, “when shall these things be, what will be the signs of the end time and of thy second coming?”. Since we are the ones at the end, it will be wise for us to consider the signs Jesus foretold, so that we will know how to work circumspectly, and not as fools in the dark.

TEXT: Matthew 24:1-8, Matthew 24:32, 1Thessalonians 4:16, Jude 1:14, 1Corinthians 15:50, Romans 14:7-9.

In Matthew 24, Jesus tells of the signs of the end, he spoke of wars, rumours of wars, pestilences, earthquakes, nations rising against nations and so on. And before our eyes, we see the Bible fulfilling. All of these should make us authenticate the Bible and make us certain of God. Amen! From the Bible perspective, we realize that Jesus gave physical signs of what would depict his second coming at the end, and spiritual signs to his bride.

Why Spiritual Signs?

Obvious from scriptures, we understand that before the second coming of Jesus Christ, there is a secret catching away of the earthly bride which is called “rapture”. The rapture is not for everyone, it is for overcomers -those who did not allow the world (cosmos) to overcome them, they are the ones regarded as the bride of Christ, who have made themselves ready for their groom.

We are in a world where the pursuit of men is in tandem with the system of the world (cosmos). We want to move, live and synchronize with the norms of the present system, even though the system is designed to choke the Creator out on every end. The people are bent on living in denial of the God who gave them life. Well, the Bible tells us that the fashion of this world will someday pass away, and Jesus is coming to destroy the system of this world to establish His kingdom. So, it’s safe you invest your life well -in Christ. Should you be willing to submit yourself and yield to His word, there are spiritual signs for you to consider which you should not be careless with so that you can end in Christ.

What are the Spiritual Signs?

Let me quickly highlight here that the rapture cannot just take place, it will be fanatical for any preacher to tell you to withdraw your children from school or stop working because ‘rapture wants to happen tomorrow’. Jesus plainly told us that not even the angels know the time. However, the rapture will not be a surprise to the bride (who are consciously living in remembrance of their coming bridegroom). They will know when their bridegroom is coming to catch them away to heaven. It may come as a surprise to the rest of the world, but never to rapture candidates. Now for the prospective rapture candidates, do you know the signs, are you articulately watching and walking in them?

  • A Change: 1Corinthians 15:50 tells us about the change (transformation) that will happen before the rapture takes place. Of course, this speaks of the transformation of our bodies; however, that change cannot occur if our hearts have not been transformed by the word of God. A man who is not experiencing a change, or who hasn’t experienced a change in heart and spirit should not expect the promised change of his body. Suffice to say that, Jesus can come for anyone at any time. Also of note is the fact that not everyone expecting the rapture will live on to see the it. Some will sleep in the Lord. If you choose to be careless with the signs, and living anyhow, to whose detriment is that?
  • The Shout: A spiritual sign indeed for those who are concerned is the midnight cry of Matthew 25, to awake the virgins out of their slumber to go meet the bridegroom. Remember Jesus says ‘’as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be?’’. The world has seen the exact replay of the days of Noah, but didn’t pay attention to something -Noah himself. God indeed has blessed us with a Noah in this generation, who came in the spirit and power of Elijah, as promised in Malachi 4:5-6, to restore our hearts back to the faith of the apostolic fathers of Jesus Christ. He is none other than William Marrion Branham, who came to proclaim the shout -which is the Evening Light Message, which says, “Behold, the bridegroom is coming, go out to meet Him!” Oh brother, see your signs, identify it! In 1Thessalonians 4, we have been promised that Jesus would descend with three things: the shout, the voice of the archangel and the trump of God. That means that before the corporal appearing of Jesus for His bride in the air, there will be a spiritual coming, where the bride is spiritually united with her husband in their marriage interlock. I’m pleased to announce to you that this marriage feast is taking place on earth already, the bridegroom is revealing himself to his bride in presence and revelation. This is what makes wise virgins! Please, don’t wait for a groom you don’t know intimately. And only the “Shout” avails us the entrance into this spiritual union. So, I invite you, don’t be sentimental about it, come on in!

There are more spiritual signs yet to be elucidated, and we hope to bring them to you as God unveils them. My appeal is that you make sure that you are in the program of God. As we see the physical signs fulfilling right before our eyes, let us endeavour as well to enter the spiritual sign which God has fashioned to prepare us for that glorious appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.
