We welcome you into today’s service. The Holy Spirit through His servant explained some of the scriptures that are being misinterpreted by denominations. And we are glad to bring you the review. So, let’s dive in!
Texts: Jude 1:8-9, Hebrew 7:19, Galatians 2:16- Galatians 4:4-5
Brothers, first, I need you to know that you need to have time for the word of God, if you don’t want to be swayed off by the cunningly devised fables of religion. If you don’t have time for the word of God, then you don’t have time to go in rapture.
Some denominational churches have come up to teach that “no man dies and go to heaven without a ritual performed on them” justifying their dogma from Jude 1:8-9 that says that ‘the devil contended with the body of Moses with Michael, the archangel.’
But, what’s the bible doctrine?
The Bible made us understand that the Law of Moses cannot justify anyone, and not even Moses, who was the Mediator of the Old Testament could be justified. The property of the devil lies in everyone of them. The Law of Moses only covers their sin by the blood of bulls and goats, however, the blood of Jesus remits every sin: this means that we are justified as though we never did sin.
So, the devil contended with the body of Moses because the works of the law cannot save any man. The Law doesn’t make any man perfect, but Christ in us, is the hope of glory.
Text: 1Peter 3:18, Hebrew 9:27, Hebrew 9:22, Hebrew 10:4
According to denomination, “Jesus went to hell to save those that were disobedient at the time of Noah.” That’s a big lie.
Others believe that if you die as a sinner, you will go to a place called ‘purgatory’ where you pay a thing called ‘penance’ which will pay for your sin and reduce the agony in hell until your payment is full. If they would later be saved; then, there was no need for Noah to build the ark. The ark was God’s medium for salvation then, which means that no one who was not in the ark was saved.
Don’t base your salvation on generosity. The rich man that fed Lazarus could not by generosity make it to heaven; don’t be deceived by denominations. After hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ, if you die not believing, you cannot go to heaven. It has been appointed to die once.
Because the blood of bulls and goats could not save anyone in the Old Testament, the “just men in the Od Testament were kept in a compartment in hell called the “Bosom of Abraham”. The devil still had a little power over them, they could only escape there to paradise when the blood of the seed (Jesus) was shed. Without the blood of Jesus Christ, they cannot know the way to God, because Jesus is the way. Thus, the Old Testament saints died in expectation –Jesus holds their salvation.
Scriptures: Hebrew: 11:32-40, Matthew 27:46-53
In the real sense, Jesus went to the souls in prison to testify, for the Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of Testimony.
When Jesus cried on the cross of Calvary and yielded up the ghosts, he went straight to hell, collected the key from the devil and liberated the saints of old, because now, the blood that justifies and sets free has been shed. He liberated them but they could not go to heaven, they were appearing in Jerusalem to the saints. Jesus is the firstborn amongst the dead, so he needed to go first to God to present that blood, before anyone else could go. However, he went to the sinners, to testify that what they disbelieved was true, and so will it ever be true.
When God told Moses to take off his sandals, he said it was because where he was standing was a holy ground. God did not charge us to go around walking bare footed, Nigeria is not a holy ground!
Scriptures: 1Corinthians 15:39-40, 44-54, Philippians 3:20,
Celestial is a heavenly body, a glorious body –a body that cannot die. Which means that no one has that glorious body now because we are still dying. Everyone now wears a terrestrial body.
Though, the terrestrial body has its own glory, it is, however, limited and cannot be compared with the celestial body. The celestial body is a spiritual body. You need the terrestrial body to live on earth here and to do the will of God before you receive the incorruptible body (celestial body) and get changed from this mortality to immortality.
More so, there was no trumpet that sounded for the saints of old to be resurrected, it was the message of Jesus that raised them up. Likewise, there is no trumpet that will sound in heaven like the denominational churches teach rather, we will hear a message that will bring about a change in our vile body into a glorious body.
Scriptures: Revelation 1:11, Jude 1:3
The seven churches that John was commanded to write to were not the only churches in Asia Minor, however, these selected churches had certain characteristics that will manifest as the dispensation of the Gentiles goes on to the end. So respectively, each church beginning from Ephesus signifies the character of the age till we get to the last, that is our time –the Laodicea age.
Each age has their angel (messenger) and their message. We are in the last church age, and we have a message which says, “back to the faith of the apostles of the Bible” and the messenger God sent was a man in the Spirit of Elijah (Malachi 4:5-6), and his name is William Marrion Branham.
Jesus Christ established only one church on the day of Pentecost and Jude tells us to contend for the faith which was once delivered to the apostles. We must do what the apostles did, we must baptise the way they baptise. We are built upon the foundation of the apostles- there is only one Church! Amen!
Scriptures: Galatians 1:13, Ephesians 2:3, Philippians 3:20
One word in the Bible can have more than one meaning, depending on its application and nature of context. Let me take you through a few of them with the word “Conversation”
In Philippians 3:20, it says, “for our conversation is in heaven”, conversation here means citizenship. As believers of the Faith of Jesus Christ, we have a kingdom that is not of this world, we are peculiar people, and thus our citizenship is in heaven. Amen.
In Galatians 1:13, the word conversation talks of Paul’s behaviour when he was in the Jewish’s religion.
And lastly, in Ephesians 2:3, conversation there means conduct.
This is necessary for you to have a proper understanding of the word of God. Amen. God bless you as you keep the Faith and fire burning.
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