We welcome you into the last day of the camp, we cannot doubt from the experience of God gotten in this convention from the sermons and prophecies that the church is shifting into another dimension, more acute than for anyone to remain in lukewarmness and laxity, at the beginning pf today’s sermon, the Pastor said: it is a time of carefulness, to be serious and we should take him seriously so that we will not fall out. As we grow into the final events of the end time, God is purely interested in bride that are adorned by His pure word. We have to take up that responsibility. One of the reason is, the devil doesn’t fight God, he cannot, God could decide to speak him out of experience; but the devil is fighting the children of God, and that is why we hear the word of God, to be serious and know what is demanded of us, more so, it is the reason behind the service’s topic -the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error.

SCRIPTURES: 1 John 4:4-6, Amos 3:3, 1 John 2:19, 1 John 3:8-10, Genesis 4:1-6, Jude 1:10-12, Ephesians 4:11, 1 Corinthians 12:27-28, 1 Corinthians 12:1-10, Jeremiah 23:21-33, Hebrews 3:9-10, Psalms 18:26

The two spirits are the only spirits ruling the word, both are capable of possessing human, however they are two opposing spirits. We were made to understand more so, that the bride is passing through sensitive time, the devil knows the time we are living in and the danger the children of God are doing in his kingdom, and he is doing everything possible to convert you away from God.

All times are not the same, the time of planting is definitively not the same time of reaping, we shouldn’t be ignorant of the time we are living in and the purpose of God for that time. Christians are supposed to watch! And that is why God is separating the Spirit of truth from the spirit of error, if you are in this program of God, please be careful, God is not joking. Let your motive of following God be right, God judges the heart, there is no action without a spirit behind it. You don’t follow God because of material things, else, you will soon fall away. Prosper in the soul first, and you will discover that physical blessing is simple.

You have to be careful because some people may not be able to run the race to the end, but it shouldn’t be you. You have to be careful because these to spirits look alike, you will not know their difference until they’re tested. You cannot know which spirit is residing in a man until the word(truth) is presented to him.

When the spirit of truth is in you, you will not only preach the truth, you will live the truth, however, because the spirit of error cannot cooperate with the spirit of truth, it soon will find offense and fall out.

And even if you have the spirit of truth, be careful and manage it, so that you will not fall out. The word test will prove the spirit in you, because both spirits have fruits. Both spirits can walk together but not to the end, there must be a separation.

The spirit of error doesn’t take to correction: after Cain and Abel had seen Adam sacrifice unto God, yet Cain could not still offer the right sacrifice, and though he was corrected, yet he wouldn’t take to it, instead he rose and slew his brother. The spirit of error always will hate the spirit of truth. You need to know your right from your wrong, otherwise, you’re a foolish virgin. Cain could not do right because he wasn’t born right, you have to be born again in the right way to do right. If you want to see the devil, go to where God is, that is where you will find him, however, for peace to reign in the church of God, He has to purge his church -separating error from truth.

There’s no church where issues will not rise, but to know the spirit in you, ask yourself: where do you always find yourself, because definitely, there will always be both spirits at play. If every time you always fall to the wrong side, then, you have the spirit of error. If you believe the doctrines of men, you have been handcuffed by the devil.

The children of God that possesses the spirit of truth also fall into mistakes, but they don’t deliberately sin, they don’t cover their sin, they don’t justify themselves in wrongdoing, they’re not religious. They probably fall into whatever mistake because of ignorance, carelessness and weakness, but not intentional.

God who is the owner of his church, gave the church the five-fold ministry to administer and lead the church. You cannot remove them. As God gave these ministries to the church, their ministry will also produce other minor ministries -called the fruits of the ministry!

Don’t use God, let God use you; in the body of Jesus Christ, there are gifts and every member of the body have one gift or the other. One is not greater than the other when God is speaking through them. And also, we need to be careful because the devil can creep in to those gifts. Don’t gift yourself, let God gift you, and let him use it. You are not spiritual by the gift you have, we’ve had many false prophesies, so much that when the original prophecy comes, people despise it, we need to be able to differentiate the difference between these two spirits, because they contradict themselves. Every good gift is from above, and if it is from God, it will not go against the word of God.

The spirit of error cannot manage the truth. How we need God to purify our spirit, and make us fit for his service, for God is not a respecter of persons.

Purify our hearts O God, and renew right spirit within us. Amen.