In the previous episode, we did explain that the five-fold ministry is not the Voice of an Archangel in 1 Thessalonians 4:16. You can click here to read that. This will lead us today, to understanding the three ministries penned down in that verse.


Quite alright, we know what the SHOUT is now. It is the message of the Seventh Messenger to the Seventh Church Age, who came in the spirit and power of Elijah -to turn the heart (faith) of the children to their Fathers. He fulfilled the ‘part b’ of Malachi 4:5-6, and this ministry has three descriptions in the bible, it is called the SHOUT, the CRY, and the VOICE.

And this message gave birth to the five-fold ministries who would continue the message of the SHOUT till the Church has come into the unity of faith, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the fullness of the stature of Christ. The ministry of the five-fold which God did not differentiate from the SHOUT was given for the perfecting of the Saint. That’s continuous work, right? Let me pause to say to you at this point, “that now is your time for perfection” You really are missing it, if you are postponing the things you ought to be doing now to make yourself ready for the rapture. God has not calved out any other way by which He would perfect His church, aside from this ministry of the five-fold, which is a continuation of the SHOUT. You saw from scriptures, that when the MIDNIGHT CRY was made, all the virgins arose and began to trim their lambs. Are you trimming your lamb, O sleeping virgin, or do you still want to sleep a little? It might be later than you think. Wake up!!

  • There is no way you can hear the Voice of Resurrection if you did not hear the SHOUT!

Can God Give the Fivefold New Revelation?

We cannot say that the totality of the mysteries encoded in scriptures was revealed by the Prophet-Messenger. He may have hinted at it one way or the other in his sermons but not detailed. It is the responsibility of the five-fold, as God gives them the grace to expound the truth of God to God’s elects and prepare them for the GROOM. The BRIDE belongs to One -that is, the GROOM -JESUS CHRIST. The five-fold ministers are therefore stewards, and eunuchs, to adorn the bride with the desires of the Groom and present them as Chaste Virgins, not corrupted by the mess of religion, drinking from the cup of fornication of the Great Harlot, or even with the mere statements of the Seventh Messenger which cannot be underpinned by the Bible. We don’t build upon the quotes of the Prophet and expect to be a bride adorned for the bridegroom. Even those in the message should be more careful. The sermons and sermon books of the Prophet are “an absolute” that should lead you to “the ABSOLUTE” -which is the BIBLE.

God can give them new revelations, but their revelation will not terminate the ministry of the Star Messenger, otherwise, they are perverting the gospel to their own damnation.

More so, where the Prophet made dual statements or statements that don’t outrightly have scriptural backings, the five-fold will straighten them out by the scripture, and not just gulp everything said by the Prophet. The Bible remains THE ABSOLUTE! And every man’s word should bow to it.

“…Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:”

The Voice of the Archangel

Moving to the next ministry in 1Thessalonains 4:16 is the “VOICE OF THE ARCHANGEL”, which we did explain to us that, it is not the ministry of the fivefold, which some people are saying is today.

It would not be out of place to say that the next two ministries (the voice of the archangel and the trump of God) are not teaching ministry. The SHOUT which holds the mystery of God, in which the end of it would conclude the en-grafting of the Gentiles will put an end to doctrines and teaching. This we see displayed in the five-fold ministry. The Church has been perfected, the wise virgins have trimmed their lamb and are ready for the coming of the bridegroom. Thus, the VOICE of the ARCHANGEL is neither coming to perfect an unbelieving brother nor wake a carnal sister, the SHOUT had taken care of that. These subsequent ministries are only for those who have been perfected by the SHOUT, it is not for the world at large.

  • If the world must believe Christ, now is their time, the Lifeline is still very much available, that is why you should continue to preach the gospel, the world should hear the SHOUT, and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Throw out the lifeline now! Save a brother!

The voice of the archangel was mentioned in the Bible, in Revelation 10:1-3:

And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, And cried with a loud VOICE, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.

This Mighty Angel is the very personification of the Lord Jesus Christ (Yes, Jesus in an Angelic form), ready to come for His bride. This loud VOICE is a ministry that sounded in the heavenly realm, and the implication of this voice brought about the seven thunders uttering their voices. Could this VOICE be of RESURRECTION? For when it sounded, and the trump followed, the dead in Christ will rise as Paul explained it in Thessalonians. We can be sure that, whatever it holds, the effect of this ministry will affect both the living Saint and the Dead saint. Without a doubt, the VOICE of this Mighty Angel is the Voice of the Archangel.

  • Let me iterate here that when God moves to the ministry of this VOICE, the message of the SHOUT will be over. We will no longer need the CRY of the Seventh Angel -it has expired.

To clearly understand this, we need to consider from scriptures, the ministry of angels but before that, you need to know this:

  • The bride would have been in a certain condition before she would be able to hear this VOICE and receive the message of the TRUMP. Yes, she would be able to see/hear the Supernatural.

The Ministry of Angels

Genesis 16:7, Genesis 19:1, Genesis 1:1, Hebrew 2:5, 2 Peter 2:4, Isaiah 14:12, Jude 1:6, Hebrew 1:4, Genesis 1:26, 1 King 22:19

Meanwhile, the first time the word, ‘angel’ was seen in scriptures is in Genesis 16:7. This was when Hagar was by the water in the wilderness. Although there was no place in the scriptures where we saw the creation of the angels, of course, they were created. Interestingly, there was a world in Genesis 1:1, which we call the “Prehistoric World”, this was the world of angels, where Lucifer was the head. That was the world that was frozen by God when a part of the angels fell from their first estate at the deceit of Lucifer who became the devil at his rebellion. That was why in verse three, (which of course spanned eons of years apart from verse 1), God came to recreate the world again out of her chaos. The world wherein Adam lived and was given authority over did not begin the history of the earth at inception. Archaeologists today are still discovering bones of dinosaurs and many other animals whose ages are millions of years and more. They are correct! The earth has been for ‘only God knows’ years -to say in million years could even be an understatement. The angels lived with these giant animals, and Lucifer was both the head of the angels and the animals. No sooner than he began to conceive pride in himself, he smuggled one-third of the angels to himself through his subtlety. And God judged both the angels that fell and the world. That was what rendered the world in gross darkness and was left in shambles. It is important to understand that the earth is not 6000 years old.

Angels are messengers and servants of God. They are both spirits and flames of fires -ministers to the heirs of salvation. Since servants, they respond to God’s bidding. Thus, it should not be difficult to understand that when God said, “let us make man in our image”, he wasn’t talking to other Gods, (No, there are no three Gods). He was referring to his angels, declaring His intention to them, not that they would help Him in creating man.

When John was to be born, when Jesus was to be born, God sent an angel to herald their message. Angel Gabriel went to Zachariah, as well as to Mary. [Luke 1:13, Luke 1:26-38]. Things are settled in the spirit realm before materializing on earth for humans to see. When the gospel will return to the Jews by the ministry of Moses and Elijah, we saw an occurrence of angels in Revelation 7. Asides from the four angels who hold the winds of the earth, there was another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God. This angel spoke to the four angels to, “…not harm the earth, the sea or the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads.” [Revelation 7:3]. This ministry of the angel is the ministry of the two witnesses God would send to the land of Israel in their last week, to seal one hundred and forty-four thousand man-servants for the everlasting gospel. This would happen in the first half of their week (three and half years). Thus, angels have always been servants of God, saddled with heavenly responsibilities, whose effect, men on earth would see.

One profound understanding of this Voice of the Archangel is that it is a Voice of Resurrection -it will cause the dead in Christ to resurrect. We see a type of this in the scenario of Jesus and Lazarus. Jesus Christ, after four days of Lazarus’ death, went down to wake him. And the bible records that Jesus cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth!”, and he who was dead came forth alive.

In Matthew 27, when Jesus was crucified, at some point on the tree, when He was about to give up His ghost, he cried with a loud voice, that caused the veil of the temple to rent, the earth to quake, and the graves were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep in the Lord were raised. Hallelujah! It is no secret what God can do, what He has done before, He’s able to do it again! The Voice of the Archangel is Jesus Christ in an Angelic form, in a spiritual phenomenon -yes, it is what happened in the heavenly realm. No voice will resound on earth for everyone to hear. In fact, the only ministry that the earth (all people) would hear out of these three ministries is the SHOUT. The remaining are for the brides of Christ. Considering these precedences, when the Bible says, “…and the dead in Christ shall rise first”, we can understand that there is a voice of resurrection in the line. Amen!

The Trump of God

Trumpet in Israel has quite a few signals because it is used to pass certain messages. We should be able to calibrate our hearts to the distinctions to know what message a trumpet at a time is passing across. There is the sounding of the trumpet for war, there is the sounding of the trumpet for the feast, and there is the sounding of the trumpet for gathering. The sounding of one differs from another. They neither would give an uncertain sound, else, no one would decode what that means, nor would they misconstrue their sounds for another -because it may lead to doing the otherwise. Imagine hearing a sound of war, when the intention is for the feast, instead of coming with eating utensils for food, it is armor and warfare garment. Thus, a trumpet should not give an uncertain sound.

Our prophet (William Branham) told us, however, that this trump is for gathering. And following the sequence of what God has been doing, that is true. The Shout has called forth God’s people out of the leaven of the false doctrine and ungodly lifestyle into the liberty of the Spirit where they are led by the Spirit of God, and she has been perfected under that Shout through the Five-fold ministry meant to bring her up to the fullness of the stature of the perfect man. Then the Voice of the Archangel has sounded in the heavenly realm -that which the dead saints also would hear and receive revival in the graves, and now the Trump to gather both the living and the dead saints together (this is called the Great Gathering). At this point, Christ is ready to catch His earthly bride away to heaven for the Grand Wedding Supper for a period of seven years.

This trump is a message and is going to be sounded by some men (God knowing His works perfectly well), and that is the hope of every believer of the true gospel of Christ. This ministry would cause the full adoption of our bodies because we know that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. We must put off this prison so-called body and enter the full liberty of our salvation, even the glorified body that Christ has prepared for His own. There is no death, no sickness, no pain, no sorrow in that body. That is when death would be swallowed up in victory. Paul saw this and screamed, “Oh death, where is your sting, oh grave, where is your victory”. Immortality will swallow up death, and we would reign eternally with our Lovely Groom! All who have this hope in themselves purify themselves! Amen!

See what 1Cortinthians 15:51-53 says:

 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

Brethren, this is our assurance, that if we stay faithful in God’s program which He has called us to be partakers, we would have a fruitful end. Shalom!

In our next slide, we will summarize the rapture. Stay tuned.

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