We started today’s sermon with a Bible reading from Daniel 2, establishing our topic titled, “From the World of Gold to the World of Clay”.
The chapter read was centered around the dream king Nebuchadnezzar had and its interpretations. A background into the chapter explains that king Nebuchadnezzar demanded for the interpretation of the dream and made a decree that was accompanied with a death penalty. This shows how important the dream was to him, and this was a push for Daniel and his companions to seek God’s face for its interpretations. Brethren, this is exactly how God deals with his own children. He, most times pushes us to seek after him if he notices our retardation towards his demands from our lives.
Today, we had a proper study into the dream king Nebuchadnezzar had, explaining the mystery behind the content of the dream, and how it relates to our present world.
Interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream
For the dream, God revealed to Daniel an image, which was a symbol of what was going to take place in the whole world. God who is all knowing knew every event that was going to spring up even before it’s beginning and that is why he gave the complete attributes of the four kingdoms that must rise and fall before the establishment of God’s kingdom. The image shown to Daniel describes the beginning and the end of the kingdoms of this world. It was an exposition to us the bride to understand why the whole world is deteriorating and will still become worse. The kingdom of this world was divided into 4 and ruled by 4 different ruling systems.
The Image revealed was divided into four (4) as explained below:
- The head which was made of Gold
- The breast and its arm which were made of silver
- The belly and its thighs which were made of brass
- The legs which were made of iron.
- The feet, which is an extension of the legs and is not a separate kingdom, which were made of a mix of iron and clay.
The following are the rulers of the kingdoms:
- Babylon
- Persia
- Greece
- Rome
- A mix of European Union countries
The above description was a periodic movement of the world from decency to total decay. The image was explaining to us how the standard of the world was going to deteriorate. This is more reason believers shouldn’t be surprised to see what we have around in this present world, because the Bible has revealed the mystery of this process to us as his chosen bride.
The first kingdom was a kingdom represented by gold. Gold in the image means: a kingdom with dignity; a kingdom where people fear God and live right; it’s a kingdom with good morals where people stood for the right doctrines, and promote the standard of the faith. It’s a kingdom where children respect parents, wife submits totally to her husband, not like what we have today. Now to the second kingdom, it’s a kingdom represented by silver; Silver being inferior to Gold explains the fall in quality, and in the standard of faith. This goes down to the current world represented by iron and clay. The moral standard from the kingdom of Gold to the last kingdom has fallen and will never rise until Christ is revealed.
The world is presently in the stage of clay and iron. It’s a stage where every thing good has been lost, what we have now is nothing but spiritual and moral decay. As Clay and Gold are entirely different in structure and quality, it is the same way the world represented by Gold is different from the world represented by clay. The iron and clay governance is the last phase the world will go through before the total destruction of the whole world, and only those who are rooted in Christ will be saved.
The feet of iron and clay was broken into pieces as Daniel 2:40 explains, and that’s why we have different divisions of government today (EU, ECC and others), but one thing they will lack, which we see today is unity. It is because these several divisions cannot cleave unto one another.
Destruction of All kingdoms
Daniel 2:44
Brethren, you should know that the kingdom of this world is going to be destroyed and God is going to set up a new kingdom which shall not be destroyed. This new kingdom shall destroy all other kingdoms and will stand forever. You should seek to be part of this kingdom by giving your lives to the standards of God’s word and you should not be carried away by the current decay you see all around because, the undiluted word of God is your ticket to being part of his divine kingdom.
Shalom, brethren.