God has chosen to pick the foolish things of the world such as you and me to know the mystery of the kingdom and has hidden it from the wise and prudent. We should therefore not despise this opportunity because to know God is a great privilege.

Today, we continued in our series, and furthered our study into ‘’The Mystery of the Woman.’’

Texts: 1 Corinthians 1:18-31, Matthew 13:11, 2Thessalonians 2:3, 1John 2:18 Revelation 17:1-4, Jeremiah 51:7, Jeremiah 7:18, Jeremiah 44:18-26, 2Corinthians 6:14-18

As you have been taught that the (whore) great harlot in Rev. 17 is the Roman Catholic Church, the Bible also made us to understand that she will be judged. The church of God is not a whore; she is constituted of virgins (wise and foolish) which shows that this woman is not part of the church of God. The Bible gave us some details about the woman:


  • She sits upon a beast. The beast has seven heads and ten horns which are the European Countries which Rome is part of.
  • She is arrayed with precious stones, and having a golden cup in her hands – the golden cup is not for her, it was for God according to Jeremiah 51:7, but she perverted it by the abomination she filled it with.
  • She looked outwardly good, being decked with precious things all over but, was discovered to be a MYSTERY, FULL OF ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH, which are her doctrines.


She is mysterious in herself, and she also has a power which is called the Beast which she sits upon: This is the governmental Power that the European community gave to Rome being the capital of the world then (when it was an empire) to kill anyone who is not part of them. The Bible said that this beast was, and is not, and will ascend. During the time of the Roman Empire, she killed the saints of God. This then means that the same power she exercised upon the saints in the dark ages, she will still exercise it on the saints.

Of course, as at the time the book of Revelation was given to John, there was no Roman Catholic Church. So, it is sensible for anyone to ask how we come to tag the prophecies of the whore to Roman Catholic Church. Brethren, you, however need to know that God is Spirit, and the things He revealed to John were in spirit form, which must be manifested in people. Just like the spirit of murder has been from the pre-historic world, – manifested in the story of Cain and Abel- the same murder spirit was manifested in Roman Catholic Church during the Dark Ages when she killed billions of Protestants who refused her abominations (dogmas). Brethren, spirits don’t die.

The woman being arrayed in Purple and scarlet speaks of her worth and majesty. Study reveals that she is worth 30 billion dollars. They have the best in almost everything (schools, hospitals, missionaries, etc).


God commands you to come out of her, you should not be associated with her abominations, because God is going to judge her. Come and be baptized into the body of Jesus Christ and be saved from the wrath of God that is coming upon the world.

Secure yourself in Christ in whom there is no condemnation.

God bless you.