Last week, our teaching was based on ‘The Falling Away’, and we were taught that this falling away will come first before the Day of the Lord comes. Thus, we need to understand God’s word, because it will keep us from falling if we continue in it. This falling away is what will reveal the Man of Sin. And that is what we dived into today.
TEXT: Jeremiah 31:31-34, Zachariah 12:9-10, 2Thessalonians 2:3, 1John 2:18-21, 1John 4:1, Revelation 12:9, 2Thessalonians 2:3-12, Revelation 20:2, Isaiah 8:20, John 1:6
The man of sin is ‘The Anti-Christ’ (only one man). He will be revealed after the rapture of the bride has taken place. Also, there are anti-christs who will still emerge, although some have already emerged even at the time John was writing his epistle to us in 1John 2:18 and 1John 4:1-3.
According to John, they are those who pretend to be believers but are not, they convert, but not with the word of God. They are busy about their own doctrines, leaving the truth of God untaught. They are the denominational preachers who are preaching dogmas, and are not building upon the faith of the apostles. And since God will not compromise the standard of his word with any man, they, therefore, are gradually falling away unknowingly and are preparing the way for the Man of Sin. Therefore, If you are opposing the word of God, and preaching contrary to the doctrines of the apostles of the Bible, you’re an ‘anti-christ.’ (1John 2:18 and 1John 4:1-3)
Just as God has many titles, the Devil also has many titles. According to Revelation 12:9, this devil is called ‘’The Old Serpent, The Devil and Satan,’’ and these three titles doesn’t make him three, he’s still one. Same way God is one despite the three titles he has — father, son and HolySpirit.
The man of sin is the Anti-Christ. He is also called vile person in Daniel 11:21. He is the One who will oppose the word of God insolently and exalt himself above the word of God — Jesus Christ. Note that ‘anti-’ is a prefix which means ‘against’, therefore, Anti-Christ is one who is against the word of God, and opposes it.
This Man of Sin will come from The Catholic Church. According to the Bible, she (the Catholic Church) is the mother of all the denominational churches.
The Anti-Christ will not be voted in; he will come in peaceably through vain deceits, and flattering words (Daniel 11:21). The world is going through a perplexed situation and it will keep going like this till the government of the world will not be able to handle the situation of the world anymore. Hence, the world will look for a religious and political person who can bring peace to the world. This is the medium through which he will be revealed. Truly, he will promise peace to the world and there will be peace. But he will only fulfill his promise for three and a half years. After which he is going to sit in Jerusalem, and break the promise. The world will not experience any true peace until the Prince of Peace comes to earth to reign.
Therefore, brethren, just as every man who must sit for an examination and pass must read hard, you should also strive to make the rapture. Accept Jesus Christ and walk in his ways now that you are in the age of grace. Don’t wait until you miss the rapture and you are fiercely tampered with by the man of sin and his cohorts so that you may deny Christ. If you miss the grace of Jesus Christ, will you be able to face the Anti-Christ?
God bless you.