We continued today on a subtopic titled “The mystery of iniquity” expounding more on our teaching “The new covenant with Israel”. Having explained what falling away was in our previous series, showing that falling away is not what happen to only unbelievers, rather it’s something that includes believers, people who proclaim to be Christians. The bad thing about falling away is that “a man falling away does not know”; most times a backslider always assume his ways are right, that is why a believer is to check themselves, if he or she is not drifting away and that can be done only by God’s mirror (The word of God).

TEXT: 2 Thessalonians 2: 3 – 7, Revelation 18:23, Revelation 17:1, Acts 13:6, Jeremiah 50:17, Revelation 13:7, 1 John 2 : 19

Last week we were able to point out what anti-christ means, who are the people called anti-christs and also who is “The anti-christ”. You can check back on our previous reviews for proper understanding. Today we had a background on the practice of the anti-christ (The man of sin).


The man of sin is a sorcerer, brethren we should not be shocked at this tag. Revelation 18:23 exposed the hidden mystery of what the Anti-Christ will practice to accomplish his mission of deception, he is a man risen to deceive the nation by sorceries with a sole pursuit to pervert the word of God accompanied with killing of those who are raising the standard of God’s word. The works of  sorcerers is to pervert and stand against God’s word and they are given to killing; we can see an example of that in Acts 13: 6 – 10 where Elymas being a sorcerer; he stood against the word of God and Paul and Silas who were ready to raise the standards of God’s word in Paphos. That is exactly what the man of sin is. He has done the first phase of this practice in the dark ages where he perverted the true gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and killed the Saints of God standing for the truth. He’s coming to replicate his act of sorceries after flattering his way into power.


We should know that the man of sin is not coming to give the world peace rather he is coming to pervert everything that concerns God. Listed below are the actions he’s going to take:

  • Make Himself God
  • Establish his own law that are contrary to the word of God
  • Pervert the word of God.
  • Persecution of the foolish virgin (Revelation 13 :7)

Brethren when the man of sin shall be introduced, it is only the foolish virgin present that will stand up against his abominable acts which will lead to their persecution; just like we are currently standing up against the present anti-christs doctrines that are at work in this present time.

 But at the moment the man of sin is hindered from taking his place because the saints of God must go in rapture first, until then the mystery of iniquity is at work. Now what is the mystery of iniquity? The mystery of iniquity might be hidden to the outside world but to us believers it is not. It is an act promoted by the current denominational churches that are void of the word of God.

Saints of God “The mystery of iniquity” is an act of spiritual lawlessness toward the word of God, that is why we see pastors promote the doctrine of trinity, put women on the pulpit and other abominations we can’t find in the Bible. More reason why anyone who claims to be a believer seen in an ungodly act should be checked if truly he or she is a true seed of God, because a seed of God should be up against every spiritual lawlessness. Are we sure we are not part of this works of iniquity with the way we handle the word of God?

Brethren we are a chosen people of God with a message to withstand every spiritual lawlessness we find in this our present age, so brethren we should raise up the standard standing against wrong doctrines and way of life.

Join us again as we dig deeper into this subject.

Shalom, Brethren.