From our last sermon review on this topic, we have been able to explain in details what the old covenant is, who it started with, and what the covenant entails. We also pointed out the actual reason why God had to institute both the old and new covenant which is because of the “Fall” in the garden of Eden. We also explained by the scripture that the reason for the fall of man in the garden of Eden was because of the sin of fornication and not eating of literal fruit. You can always check out our previous post for proper understanding. Having established the old covenant and it’s characteristics, we will move on to what the new covenant entails.
TEXT: Jeremiah 31: 32 – 34, Jeremiah 32:37, Romans 9 :1 – 5, Romans 11:7, Romans 11 : 25, Galatians 3 :23, Romans 3 :23, Jude 1:9, Romans 6:23, Romans 3:29.
1. Jews: Israelites by birth.
2. Gentiles: Citizens of other nations or countries except Israel.
Origin of Abraham
Abraham is both the father of the Jews and of the Gentiles. Abram whose name was later changed to Abraham was first of all a heathen (Genesis 17:4-17). He was called out of his Babylonian way of life into God’s precious light. And this was done by separation. God separated him from every form of distraction, including family members, before he could make a covenant with him.
God’s promise to Abraham was that he would be a father of many nations (Jews and Gentiles). The bride in the Gentile dispensation are the spiritual children of Abraham who are beneficiaries of the promised covenant.
The Natural Seed Vs The Spiritual Seed
Genesis 17:19-21 gives a description of God’s mind toward Abraham. God first of all gave Abraham a natural seed (Isaac) to establish his everlasting covenant. Please note: the phrase, “everlasting covenant” simply means a covenant that has a beginning and that will surely have an end, and this was pointing to the old covenant. God did not only establish an everlasting covenant, he promised a new one (Jeremiah 31: 31). And that new covenant was in Jesus Christ who represents the spiritual seed that was to establish the new covenant.
What The New Covenant Entails
The New Covenant was the promised seed in Genesis 3:15. Jesus Christ was that promised seed who would bruise the head of the serpent. But because God is not the God of the Jews only but also of the Gentiles (Romans 3:29), he blindfolded the Jews against Jesus so that they could not accept him as their Lord and personal Saviour (Luke 4:24). Contrary to the position of the Jews towards Jesus, God opened the eyes of the Gentiles to accept Him. The Gentiles rely on grace but the Jews still hold on to the Law.
The Connection of The New Covenant With The Gentile Dispensation
God extended the new covenant to the Gentiles. So, the bride in the Gentile dispensation are currently the beneficiary of this new covenant by grace. He has given us one heart (one faith) and one way (Jesus Christ). It takes God to open one’s eye to accept this grace. Prior to the time that Apostle Paul encountered Jesus, he persecuted the Christians who believed Jesus (Romans 9:1-5). But he served God better when his eyes were opened.
May God help you to accept Jesus Christ into your life today if you haven’t.
Join us on our next series as we throw more light on this topic.
Peace be unto you.