Who is a mighty conqueror?

We started today expounding more on the attributes of one who is to be called a mighty conqueror; who is a mighty conqueror? what are the attributes of a mighty conqueror? these are questions we answered in today’s sermon review.  

Text: John 11:25-26; 1st Corinthians 15:12, 52-58, John 1:1, Acts 9:3, Romans 6:3, Daniel 3:19, Daniel 6:16,  

A mighty conqueror is not someone who has won a battle or a fight, it’s not someone who overcame sickness (at all), cos these victories are temporal, but a mighty conqueror is someone who has conquered death, and the only person who has conquered death is the Lord Jesus Christ; he’s our mighty conqueror, no one matches him. He that is capable of conquering death, is capable of conquering any situation. So, come with me this blessed day, as I introduce to you he that is capable of conquering all situations of life.

The word of God Is needed in our daily walk, and the bible is God in letter form, from which we draw strength on a daily basis. It is only in the word of God you can find Him (John 1:1). Read it, proclaim it! God will not deny His word.

The victory Jesus has over death is his resurrection. It isn’t any of the miracles he performed. And it is that victory that gives us hope. We pray to God through the Lord Jesus Christ, because Jesus is alive. In this, we have hope one day that all things will change, because Christ was able to overcome death and grave. If Jesus had died and remained in the grave, then our faith and hope in him is in vain. It is his resurrection that gives us the lively hope we have. So, because he lives, we can face tomorrow (Hallelujah).

The Apostle Paul was an accomplice to the death of some apostles, and even the Lord Jesus Christ. On his way to Damascus, to persecute Christians, as was his custom before his conversion, the voice of the Lord came to him in the pillar of fire (and all Jews knew/know the significance of the pillar of fire). Paul asked him, “who are you, Lord?” He responded, “I am Jesus whom thou persecute”. That voice that came forth to him was the voice of resurrection. He was no longer in the grave. Of note again is the fact that when Jesus responded to Paul, the response Paul got wasn’t the same as that of Moses (“I AM”) and some other men of God got. Why? Because Paul believed in the God of the old testament, but never in Jesus Christ which is the same God in the new testament.

Perhaps, Paul thought, “this Jesus, we killed him. How come he is speaking to me?” it means he has power over death. He overcame death. And then, Paul realized his folly. Then he asked, “what will you have me do, Lord?”, a question a child of God must ask after finding himself by the word of God.

When you call yourself a believer, believing something contrary to the bible, God will not destroy you (at all), but your destruction comes into reality when you chose to reject the truth brought to you by the scriptures. Apostle Paul humbled himself to accept the truth irrespective of his prestigious position as a pharisee, this defines a civilized person. A civilized person is not someone who has the whole knowledge of the world (at all), a civilized person is someone who is humble and subject to the word of God.

Brethren if there is nothing ahead, it means we are hopeless, but we are not hopeless believers because Christ has resurrected to give us hope of life, because of you and me he gave his life to deliver us from destructions, as a mighty conqueror he has given us life eternal – How much do you love God in your heart? how much do you prefer him to the things of the world?