There are many things in life that we must engage in. They range from working for daily living to serving God. And as a matter of fact, your service to God is the most important of all other services you may be rendering to yourself and to others. Your relationship with God should as well be your priority. God appointed the High Priest and set up the Priesthood office because we have responsibility to God (Hebrews 5:1). Every human is placed on Earth to serve God.
TEXT: Hebrews 5:1-5, Romans 8:34-36, Job 1:1-8, Colossian 3:1, Hebrew 10:2, 10-12
God came down in the cool of the day to engage Adam and Eve (Genesis 2). He didn’t come down to just look around, he came to fellowship with his creatures. God takes fellowship very important. And the time you spend in the presence of God is the most useful period of your time. That is why God commanded that we should not forsake the assembling of one another.
While walking with God, there are certain things you can’t do by yourself. That is why God appointed a High Priest for us. And every High Priest is ordained for men to act as a link between God and man. That is the position Jesus Christ occupies. He is regarded as our High Priest, the one who is making intercession for us. His death on the cross of Calvary has paid for all our sins. He died for our sins once and can never die anymore. His blood is different from the blood of the lambs and bulls killed every year in the old testament for the remission of sin. Jesus Christ is the true Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the whole world.
Brethren, do not shy away from fellowship. The lockdown on churches has been lifted. So, do not rely so much on online services. Always find a way to come to the church premises for fellowship. Also,remember that fellowship:
1. Enhances your connection to God,
2. Develops your relationship with God,
3. Brings spiritual blessing.
God bless you, brethren.