In this subject, we want to see by the scriptures how many years it took God to create the whole earth. Is God’s time, day, year, or even hour the same as we humans? The answer is No, God’s own time is absolutely different from ours, his calculation, and analysis of time is divine and prophetic. An example is revelation 10:7 – But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. Days in this context is not 24hrs rather it’s a prophetic day. Now let us pick some references from the scriptures to explain this subject:
Text: Isaiah 40:26-27, Psalm 90:4, 2Peter 3:5-8, Isaiah 55:8, Daniel 9:23, Isaiah 14:12, 2Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6, Revelation 12:4, Jeremiah 4:23, Job 38:4, Isaiah 6:1, Isaiah 45:1, Hosea 6:2, Genesis 2:17, Genesis 3:21, Isaiah 65:20
Daniel Seventy Weeks (Daniel 9:23)
We have the following timing detailed out in the above scriptures – Seventy weeks, seven-week, two weeks, by our own human calculation seventy weeks is about a year and 3 months with little add ups, but with God, it depicts many years, which is about 490 years prophetically. Also, you will agree with me that seven weeks by human calculation is not up to two months, but with God, it outlines a period that is more than 3 years prophetically. This goes to tell us that God’s divine measurement of time and time itself is way different from natural time and its measurement, and there is a need for us believers to understand God’s time and how he measures it. (Amen).
Anything we are preaching must be validated by the scriptures, you can’t pick quotes from the sermons of books of the prophet (William Marion Branham) and build doctrines on them, every quote must align with the scriptures. Anything short of this is erotic. Now let us check out Apostle Peter’s revelation on God’s measurement of time.
2Peter 3:8 – But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.
When do we apply this scripture? Is it at the beginning or end of the new testament? No, it has to be from the beginning (Genesis), because it’s a divine measurement of time. David in psalms 90:4 also gave a revelation of God’s measurement of time which correlates with the revelation apostle peter was sharing in his epistle, so brethren we can’t afford to ignore this, we must apply this scripture and find its root from the beginning.
How many years did it take God to create The Earth?
Now when we talk about time and days, it did not start from Genesis 1:1, God did not create the earth within 6 days as it is commonly explained. Follow along as we answer the question that just sprung up in your heart.
Genesis 1:1 – In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Genesis 1:1 ended with a full stop, there was no specified timing on how long it took to complete its creation. Time, day, and month did not start in the above scripture, nobody knows when or how long. God created the heaven and the earth period! there was no plus no minus. But when you extend further to the fifth verse, the first-day activity has nothing to do with Genesis 1:1, because prior to that, something had happened. So, what took place? verse 2 gives an answer – And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters,
Brethren God cannot create something that is void and without form, it’s not possible !!!, Do you want to tell me that when God created the heaven and the earth in Genesis 1:1, he had to put them in darkness? That’s not possible, the earth he created was occupied, I’m sure you want to ask “occupied with or by what”? It was a world occupied by angels, gigantic animals, etc. it was called the pre-historic world, a timeless world, and the head of that world was Lucifer, not Devil. Lucifer became devil. I’m sure you want to ask how? Follow along as we give answers to these questions.
The earth is the footstool of God, not his dwelling place he created it for dominion, the first world was governed by lucifer, and we can see this world in Isaiah 14:12 – 27, and in that world, lucifer was tested and he failed which resulted to judgment; more reasons why believers need to be careful with God and not get too comfortable, No matter the position, or ministry God has placed in our hands we need to know that God will test us, no man is immune to God’s test, if you fail, God will judge you. The first world was judged by God because they failed his test, and this brought about the change of name from Lucifer to Devil and angels to fallen angels, I pray God will not change our names as children of God, because of our rebellious acts. (Amen)
The money, Education, beauty, and knowledge God gave you, he will test you with them, in as much as you are a child of God, you will be tested for spiritual fitness. He tested Adam, he tested the Lord Jesus Christ, then why do you think you’ll be exempted? The failure of Lucifer and his converted angels to pass God’s test brought about the destruction we saw in Genesis 1:2 because they were not spared.
2peter 2:4 – For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;
Jude 1:6 – And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
Revelation 12:4 – And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.
They were cast out of the then world and were judged as a result of rebelliousness. Today we have them as demons disturbing this present world because they had lost their place and final destruction awaits them.
Now we need to project our understanding beyond what scientists are defining for us, today we have people say that the earth was created 6000 years ago, but that’s not the world God first created, I believe we must have gotten this understanding. The first world God created was timeless, he created the first world and destroyed it as a result of sin. Jeremiah saw the destruction of the first world in a vision. (Jeremiah 4:23). The earth that was created 6000 years ago was a reformation, a recreation of what was destroyed, and that is why water was not recreated nor was land recreated, they had been before the reformation, all God did was to call them out because they existed before.
God Created Three world (Heaven and Earth)
God Is perfected in three (3). Mind you there is no three God, and this we can see in the creation of the world, there are three worlds created by God:
- Genesis 1:1
- Recreation of the first world under the care of Adam (Adamic World)
- A new Heaven and new Earth yet to come (Revelation 21)
The third one which is to come is our world, I beseech us not to miss this because it’s a world with unspeakable joy and peace. It’s a world where we would not have to worry about things in this present world, it’s a world free from sin. And we are waiting for that third world that is without corruption because God has judged the first one, he’s coming to judge this present one, and the third one is coming to stay. (Hallelujah).
More emphasis can be seen in Job 38:4, it was more of a question where God had to ask Job where he was when he laid the foundation of the earth, he had no answer because obviously, no one has the answer to the specific time it took God to create the earth.
The whole time you and I will spend on earth in the eyes of God is not up to an hour, and this period is a testing time for you and me, it is how we use the allotted time that will determine our position in the kingdom of God. Salvation is free but the position in the kingdom of God is not free, it’s by your Labor here on earth. When the things of God are going on and you’re an observer, you are making yourself wretched and poor in the world to come.
Is God the creator one or Three?
In all of this understanding shared it’s important to know if God who created the heaven and the earth is one or three, the Bible definitely has the right answer to this question. When God was saying in Genesis 1:27, let us create man in our own image, he wasn’t talking to any other god just like we have this misconception around denominational churches today, brethren he was talking to his trusted angels, the ones that survived his test in the pre-historic world, the ones he gave the key to true worship. Isaiah in Isaiah 6:1-8 saw in a vision how the almighty God was worshipped in the beauty of his holiness by the angels who kept their first estate, he saw the glory of God and was humbled. This vision further explained how God projected a message to his seraphim asking who is ready to carry a message to the people and Isaiah responded to be used, this gives a clear picture of one God who created the universe, so it is foolishness to say God was talking to himself or talking to another co-equal god in Genesis 1:27.
God in Recreation (Isaiah 45:18)
God did not create the earth to be formless he created the world for habitation, so after the first destruction he didn’t start something different, he commanded things back to existence because they were there on the onset, it was sin that brought darkness to all things and that’s why Genesis 1:3 depicts God calling back things to life.
Genesis 1:3 – And God said, let there be light: and there was light.
The light was not something that never existed, it was called back for reformation and here is a crucial thing we have to know about this process, when God commanded the light to be, it not something that just sprang up in seconds at all !!, God followed nature, because he’s a God of nature and he doesn’t contradict it accept for some specific mission. Even the womb of Mary carried Jesus for 9 months without bridging nature. Being a God of process, he had to reform the earth following his process. Nothing was recreated magically at all!!, he took his time to call back things to their positions. It’s is here we can relate with apostle peter understanding of God’s measurement of time where he said that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. God followed his protocols when he started calling back what has been in the pre-historic world.
New creation in the second world started in Genesis 1:21, where man was created to dominate the second world because the first world where angels dominated had been judged. The creation of Adam was not once, he created him in the spirit first before he was later formed into a body, and you can’t tell me God did that in just 24 hours, God’s measurement of time is not in 24hrs, nobody knows how long it took for God to call things back to life and also create the few things in created in the second world. Even before eve was brought as a helpmate in the garden of Eden, you cannot tell me all of that happened within 24hrs.
Explanation of day in God’s Language
Hosea 6:1 – 2 – Come, and let us return unto the Lord: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. 2, After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.
Two days in this context is a divine measurement of time, which represent years in the sight of God, it talks about God allotted time for the Jews, to sprout revival among it’s people.
Zachariah 14: 6 – And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark: 7 But it shall be one day which shall be known to the Lord, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light.
9 And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one.
“In that day” as depicted in the above scripture is not even 10 years. That one day that shall be known to God is the whole gentile age from Ephesus to Laodicean (The Church ages). Laodicean age which started in 1906, God called it the evening of that same day. In verse 9 of the same chapter, we can see the event of the millennium described to be one day, a period where God will be King over all the earth. All of these instances by the scripture explain God’s measurement of time, which is totally different from our natural time. A day with God represents 1000yrs, not 24 hours.
Matthew 12:8 – For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day.
This is not talking about the seventh day of the week, it’s talking about a thousand years when the son of man the Lord Jesus Christ shall be king over the earth. This goes to tell us that every man on earth don’t have up to two hours to spend before God the question is “How are you spending your own allotted time on earth”?
Genesis 2:17 – But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
The question to ask from the above scripture is “That day Adam and Eve ate the fruit did they die?” the answer is NO, you may say they die spiritually, but that is not the death God was talking about, because it means we are all created to die and it is not sin that brought death, meaning God created man to die anytime. The day in this context is not 24 hours, with God it’s a thousand years and that’s why if you check the scripture from the beginning none of them could spend up to one day (1000 years) before dying. Adam spent 930 years, methuselah couldn’t make it to a day, he died at 967 and others. We are all dying before the expiration of one day in the sight of God because sin has brought death and you can beat the Law of God.
Brethren, it’s not a time to be annoyed at the word of God, never allow the word to sound like an insult to you, let it purge you now that is coming to you. Let the word of God hit at your flesh now so that your allotted time on earth will not be a waste
The Lord Bless you.