Thoughts, Doubt, Fear.

It is another beautiful time to discuss a very vital topic, one that has incapacitated a lot of us. Please, allow the spirit of God speak to you as we dissect this topic.

TEXT: Proverbs 23:7, Acts 19:14, Hebrews 13:20, Psalms 50:8, Ephesians 4:17, Hebrews 4:12, 2Corinthians 10:3, Ephesians 6:12, Numbers 13:33, Joshua 1:8

Nothing will change for you until you change your thought process. Little wonder the bible says in Proverbs 23:7, “As a man thinks, so he is”. Negative thoughts birth a lot of things that bring you down progressively, making you a failure in the process. Do you not know that you are led by your thoughts?

David said to Goliath, you come to me in the name of your gods, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Host’s army, whom you have defiled. You know the result he got. Because he had a right thought, his thoughts were in synchrony with what was in God’s mind. Even as a child of God, you have to be right in your thoughts before God can grant your requests.

Obviously, we all have drifted in our thoughts, thinking contrary, being blasphemous. And we expect to move mountains with our prayers. It will not happen!  The evil thoughts that you think have no effect on you have already defiled you. If evil thoughts can pollute a man, how much more good thoughts.

Every thought don’t always materialize. Thoughts have a tendency to grow till it is made an action. Henceforth, let your thoughts be in synchrony with the word of God, only then will you have positive results.

Every action or step taken by you stem from your mind. From your dressing, to life-making decisions. So there is no room for making excuses as touching your actions. Before a man will commit fornication, it doesn’t come spontaneously. It is premeditated. How about you kill the thought by the word of God.

In all of this, the word of God is key. When the devil comes with his tactics, the only thing that can overcome him is the word of God. Take for example, when the devil came to Eve, he brought something contrary to the instruction of God. The moment Eve accepted the thought, which was contrary to the word of God, she lost it. Likewise, when you accept what the devil brings to the table, you become a slave to him, and he thus takes peace away from the family. Because you accepted the words of the devil, and drove out the God of peace.

Animals don’t think. They do things based on nature, which is in-built. They don’t have the word of God in them. But human beings are different. God has given us a mind of our own. We have the liberty to choose what we want to believe or do. And God has given us His word to guide our thoughts. And so, we can think by the word of God, thereby propelling us to another level. You don’t join others to say “I lose”, you rather speak the word of God, and say, “I am not a loser”.

If you don’t study the scriptures, you can’t operate in another level different from the baseline. Because you can’t give what you don’t have. What you don’t have embedded in you can never be recalled in the days of adversity. When the devil came to tempt Jesus, what would have happened if he didn’t have the word of God in Him? When the devil comes at us (which he will always do), what weapon has God given us to face him? That weapon is what the devil will come to attack, to take it from us. Now once he takes our God-given weapon from us, what we have left is his weapon. But can we use the weapon of the devil to fight him? NO! The only weapon we can use to overcome him is the word of God.

“…pulling down the strongholds of the devil….”, the strongholds of the devil are his suggestions, the thoughts that come from him, especially when we find ourselves in hard situations. But when you begin to operate by the word of God, it will pull down these strongholds.

When your thought is not changed, your faith can not be changed. But once you permit a negative change in your thought process, you lose your faith, and subsequently the battle. We are meant to be representatives of Christ in this world, and as such, we can calm storms, just as Jesus did.

In summary, always study, and live by the word of God, proclaiming it in any situation we find ourselves. Therein lies our success and victory over the devil.

Prayer: God, grant me the grace to always think by your word regardless of circumstances, let me see myself the way you are seeing me.
