We welcome you to the evening fellowship, it pleased God to wash his church again by his word, bringing us to the understanding of what true restitution is. Stay blessed as you read.

Scriptures: Exodus 22:1,Acts 3:19-20, Leviticus 4:6, Leviticus 24:16-18,Act 17:30, Ephesians 2:11-13, Hebrews 10:26,Romans 3:21-26,1 Samuel 1:1-2, Deuteronomy 21:15,1 Timothy 3:1-2,12,Titus 1:5-6

Restitution means to restore whatever you have taken that doesn’t belong to you. Yes, restitution is in the Bible, but you can misplace it. So, we want to dive into the scriptures to rightly divide the word of Truth.

In the gospel of grace, you have your part to play. Though grace means unmerited favor, however, there’s a part of faithfulness that we need to play as one showing gratitude to the value of that grace we were not worthy of.

Some misapplication of restitution

Some denominational churches have wrought havoc to the topic of restitution declaring that “Your salvation is not complete until you make restitution” meaning every sin you committed before you become a believer, you are to go and restitute it, however that is not the Bible restitution, because confession is not restitution. Telling me of my pen you stole is different from restoring my pen back to me.

They claim that if you have married two wives before you know the Lord, you have to drive one away and have just one wife. Brothers, you are not a believer until you believe. When you believe in the right way, God loses the right to charge you of your past sin when you were in the world. But, after you’ve known the Lord, you are to live the life of your faith; the bible does not permit any man marrying two wives after he has believed.

You cannot restore the virginity you took, the man you killed cannot be brought back to life with your so-called restitution, thus, you cannot restore all things. So it is important to know what restitution is really, so you don’t claim a righteousness that is but self made -such is not acceptable with God.

God gave Israel the law (including the law of restitution),not when they were in Egypt, but after they left Egypt. The children of Israel must have been committing sin in Egypt, but God cannot hold it against them, because they had no law, they were ignorant to the law. However, after they received the law, they knew the dos and don’t of God. God never told them to make the restitution of the sin they committed in Egypt, not even to confess.

Therefore, we know that one who is to make restitution is “a believer.”

If a man is to be saved by restitution, then, no one will be saved.

The children of Israel were not a church until they came out of Egypt. It was when God called them out, that they became a church. And it was when they became a church that they were given the law.

Also,when you are baptized into the body of Christ, having repented genuinely of your sins, you become a member of the church of Jesus Christ, and all your past sins are forgiven, no more can God hold them against you. The blood of Jesus Christ has blotted out all of that. The righteousness of Jesus Christ is by faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross.

Now brothers and sisters, in order to have peace, you need to make restitution of all the things you do, because you have known the law of God. A life is expected of you now that you have known Christ, and any actions and deeds contrary to that life of Christ need to be confessed.

The Bible made us understand that after we have the knowledge of the truth, and then willfully commit sin, there is no more sacrifice for sin, thus, you need to make it right.

So brethren, here is the Bible restitution, make everything right, sanctify yourself, wash your heart, if you want the blessing of God. God is sweeping his church, and it is a spiritual sweeping, we need to be right with God, we need to be Christians indeed. If you want freedom and a clear conscience with God, make your way right with your brother, sister, father, mother, wife, husband and Pastor.

May God help and bless us.

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