Have you considered that the word of God is truly pure as the scriptures say it? If so, have you been able to purely respond to that pure word? On the flip side, what if you’re mixing something else with the word, how pure will your result be? There are many kinds of mixtures -some which can be good whilst some, bad. Most of the time, when a bad mixture is formulated, it is impossible to correct it. Dive in with me as we scripturally examine by the word of God, how the devil crept in and is still creeping into our service, contaminating us.  

Text: Revelation 2:12-15, 1 Corinthians 10:6

Since the devil is always at war with God, he can’t be far from what God wants to do or who God wants to use. Judas who betrayed Jesus was so close to him, and that tells you that when the devil wants to contaminate the pearl God has given to you, he won’t do it from afar, as a matter of fact, his messages won’t be too difficult for you to decode -they actually will be reasonable to the carnal mind. He can suggest to you, things that look like scriptures, placing false interpretations on them, and once your mind is beclouded to not discern between right and almost right, you will fall prey to deceit and the subtility of Satan.

No sooner than Christ sowed His word, Satan, through craftiness, also sowed something that appeared so much like the word of God -tares amongst the wheat. This became so grievous to Christ that in the commendations and rebuke to the churches, He had so much to point out regarding how the devil had swayed them away from their first love. The major strongholds the devil hid behind to perpetuate his falsehood are -the doctrine of Balaam, the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, and Jezebelism.

In Revelation 17, the Bible explained to us the cup in the hands of a great whore, which was a cup full of abominable things, and she made the inhabitants of the earth drink from the cup, thus committing fornication. These are spiritually encoded and should be elucidated. The cup is actually full of mixture, and the woman that has this cup is a system -the Roman System, which had been in the political world but is now hidden in religion. Her subjects, therefore, are beyond the free thinkers in the world, but also the sincere religious people, who would not submit to the revelation of the word of God to recognize their day and its message. Satan will always seek a covering whenever he wants to do his work, hiding under a coven. That is why one of the things Jesus did when he came was to crack religion. this is because religion became Satan’s coven.

The spirit of Balaam

When a man begins to lose his first love, he gives chance for this spirit to creep into him, suddenly there is no reason to contend earnestly for the faith that was once committed. Compromise and excuses set in, no more do we have a love for God’s truth. The doctrine of Balaam is the doctrine of Reward. Balak, at some point needed to seek Balaam’s help against the children of God. He sent him honorable men whose stunning pigmentations were too wonderful for Balaam to stand for the word of God. He surrendered to compromise at the expense of God’s love -because of reward. You’re guilty of that likewise, aren’t you? Dancing in church, but you are not known for your faith outside. You’re ashamed to be identified with Christ in your marketplaces. You have never given tract to anyone, yet you are good at marketing your business for network purposes, no strength at all is communicated towards the advancement of the gospel -no love for truth -no first love!

Or do we talk about the pastors who become agents for God to preach success and money, summoning the laity to sow unnecessary seeds because of miracles? Both the giver and the receiver are guilty of this. Do you know that Balaam was Moses’ contemporary? Seeking to be known, seeking popularity, and of course, kings recognized him. it sounds okay and perhaps scriptural to the religious mind. Didn’t the scripture says our gifts will make way for us? But such are people whose god is their belly, subverting the word of God for personal gains. But Moses had an identity, God was his identity, and neither did the pillar of cloud depart from the congregation by day nor do the pillar of fire departed by night. You can’t mix that up today, you need to know your God. You want to be like Balaam and also want to have the God of Moses as your God, it’s not possible. Balaam cast a stumbling block against the children of Israel by making them eat things sacrificed to idols which ended in fornication. The same is happening spiritually today.

The mystery Babylon has given the religious world false doctrines, and they are altogether wallowing in their quagmire -fornicating with knowledge, subjecting the word of God to debates, disproving, and misplacing scriptures. Subtly, lording over God’s heritage -embracing the Nicolaitan spirit, they conquer the laity, subjecting them to drink from the cup which their mother whore gave to them. What else can be produced out of that than fornication? Now, a man does not know how many Gods he’s serving, because he’s been taught wrongly. The basic principles that ensure eternal life can no longer be honored -to them, Jesus didn’t really mean it when he said that life eternal is to know the “ONLY TRUE GOD”.

Driving this home, the parent can no longer take a stand for God to train their children in the way they should go. It becomes obvious that not many of the parents are regenerated themselves. Because what your child represent is actually what’s rooted in you. You can’t produce them better than what you have seated in you.

Where is the place of prayer in the home, in the church, amongst the youth? Oh, we now know too much that we’re also beginning to fornicate with knowledge, even with the truth in our hands. We claim God to be the same yesterday, today, and forever, but our lives’ result refutes that, we have nothing close to holiness and righteousness to exemplify, we have become the epitome of corruption because we allowed the devil to creep into us. it now looks as though the word of God is not powerful enough to break habits, I cannot but yelp, “where is your first love?”

The youth no longer have glory, the strength with which they are supposed to serve God has been channeled to make technology, their gods, they contemplate the true word of God. There is o patience to wait on God anymore, google is now their Holy Spirit. No sincerity for truth, they rather appreciate God with secret assaults and misbehaviors than live true to Him. It’s clear that our generation needs help, which can only come from a sincere heart to return back to God.

I invite us to restoration, we need to strengthen the things that are left and get back the things we have lost. God wants to gather His brides in all the seven church ages, and we cannot afford to fall short of any standards -He desires quality. I encourage you to get rid of the things you need to get rid of and avoid every distraction and god that you have created for yourself. You cannot want to please God and belong to several associations, no! if you stay with God, God knows how to connect you with your joint-heirs. Only the things done in the Spirit have results, religion only produces death. You should not be a coven for the devil. Come out of Jezebelism -the spirit of filthiness and usurping of God’s authority, come out of the doctrines of the Nicolaitan -worshipping graven images, portraits of the prophet -creating idols for yourself. Come out of the doctrines of Balaam. God is a Jealous Being, you can’t be robbing Him and expect Him to shadow you through the night with His Love. Hear what Peter told us:

“Of a truth, I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation, he that feareth Him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with Him” -Acts 10:34-35

Come, dear friends, He has the power to build you up again if you return to Him and amend your ways to cherish His Presence beyond any mundane things of life.
