Once again we welcome you to our latest review as we continue in this year’s camp meeting. This evening, the Holy Spirit through His servant explained to us the declaration of the apostles on the day of Pentecost on the right water baptism doctrine which is a coded instruction Jesus gave them in Matthew 28:19. This birthed the question of whether what the apostles establish by the revelation of the holy Spirit was a mistake; We found out that Jesus told them to go preach to the world and baptise them in the name of the father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, but when the day came, Peter instructed that everyone should be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; what!? Was that a mistake, or they knew what they were saying?
Text: Matthew 28:19, Luke 24:49, Act 2:37-39, Malachi 4:5-6, 1Corinthians 3:11, Ephesians 2:20, Romans 6:3
To go straight to the answer to the question, –the apostles of Jesus Christ did not make mistake, rather, they did exactly what Jesus told them to do. I’m sure you might be curious to ask why?
First, it is important to know that everything is existing by the word of God, including you! God spoke you to life before you could be, thus, you need that word of God to go back to God. This is the reason we should not joke with the word of God –only the truth sets free, the bible says. In this world where the prophecy of Paul has been fulfilled, and we’ve got so many wrong doctrines, it is expedient to seek and know the truth; remember the word of God is settled, you don’t have to change it, all you have to do is trust and obey to be saved!

Brethren, we need to understand that the apostles didn’t just stand up to propagate what they were not convinced about – At all!, what was declared were under the guidance and directions of the Holy Spirit, because they were people who followed every instruction Jesus Christ gave them, one of which was an instruction to wait for the Spirit of truth.
When the word of God is given, you need to wait for the Spirit of Revelation to decode the word given to you. If you are not endowed with that ability from the Spirit of God, you will only promote self. Contrary to what many attention seekers would do, the apostles after that instruction still obeyed Jesus and waited until they were endowed, as they were instructed in Luke 24:49. But instead of waiting for that Spirit of revelation today, many have substituted it for theological or seminary schooling. You can’t get by certificate what you should get by revelation.
The apostles waited for ten days before they could have the revelation of Jesus’ statement in Matthew 28:19-20, and indeed, after the promise of the father came to them, even the Spirit of Truth, they got the revelation and God were pleased to lay the foundation of the New Testament church through these men that day. If this is the case, then, the apostles never made mistake, and it therefore becomes a sin of blasphemy to say that they made mistake. May God forgive our professors-turned-preachers who are saying such.
Think about it, if God would lay a faulty foundation, didn’t Jesus then die in vain? Is the church not in mess already? If the Bible says we are built upon the faith of the apostles (Ephesians, and their foundation was wrong, then, our salvation should be questioned).
So, although Jesus gave them that instruction of baptism, he also told them to wait, which they did, and God would not put those who wait on him to shame, He definitely will come to their rescue.
What a glorious moment it was after they’ve waited and the day of Pentecost came, the Spirit of God came upon them, and by revelation; Peter stood to provide solution to the misconception of people who thought the apostles were drunk. Peter spoke in his language, and many people who came from all walks of life understood him. That was more than what Peter could do, that was the Holy Spirit at work! No sooner than the Spirit of Revelation explained Himself to the people that they cried out for salvation. And the bible says, “They were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.”
Like we know, Jesus truly told them to baptize in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Ghost. But come to think of it, ‘father’ is not a name. You could probably be a father, or perhaps a ‘son’ to someone, but that can never be your name. You’ve got your name! All of those are titles. Fatherhood is a position a man occupies when he gives birth to a child. And as a father that he is, he is also a son to someone, isn’t he? But that is not his name still.
Or if you would write a check for someone to go withdraw money from your account, what would you input as his identity to qualify him to have that check; his name or his titles? Of course, his name! Although he has those titles to himself (he could be a father, a son, and a teacher to someone).
So Jesus told them to baptize in the name of father, son and Holy Ghost. So, here, we need revelation of what that name is, because all of those are not name. When that Spirit of revelation came, Peter stood and said, “Repent, and be baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ”. That is the name of the father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit –even the name, Jesus Christ!
It is this name you take to the river to be baptised with. Yes, baptise! You don’t sprinkle water and call that baptism, you don’t pass under a flag or canopy that has the name of Jesus Christ written on it and call that baptism, you are jeopardizing your life. Baptism is immersion in water, it signifies that a man is buried with Christ, so that when Christ is risen, he can also be risen with Him. Baptism has a vital role to play in your salvation. It is the criterium for having the Holy Spirit (Act 2:38). And to show more of its essence, in Cornelius’ house, when God bypassed the knowledge of Peter to baptise Cornelius and his household with the Holy Spirit, they were still instructed to baptise in the name of Jesus Christ. Without it, you cannot see God at the end. The Bible says that we will be saved if we believe and we baptise! (Mark 16:16).
So, brethren, work out your salvation by obeying this simple instruction. You can’t get by fasting what you should get by obedience! Fasting for hundred days would not bring you the salvation of your soul. Don’t gamble with your soul, it is precious! No one is doubting if the apostles of Jesus Christ went to heaven, so if you want to be where they’ve gone to, do what they do –repent and be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ. And thereafter watch how God will be cleansing your life, and taking away all that you’re struggling with.
There is a great reward if we can only submit and obey the word of God. May God grant us help! Amen!