We approached the second aspect of the last topic under consideration yesterday which is, “Did the Apostles make mistake at Pentecost?” and elucidated the position of women in the church of God. Is there a mistake in the order Paul set in the church.
Let me reiterate that God is unquestionable! You have to follow God by faith; faith is the revelation of the word of God. We are called to the obedience of the word of God, so you don’t judge God by your intellect! You can’t modify God’s way! God will never change his mind concerning His word.
Apostle Paul said that women are not permitted to speak in the church. Does it mean they should be mute whenever they enter the church premise? No! God gives talents, skills and gifts liberally, and so, we could have women minister in the musical department, they can prophecy, see vision, dance, shout and rejoice in the presence of their Creator. You and I know that in all these activities, they speak. Have they transgressed? No! So, we need to understand the language of the Bible.
“Speak” in that context talks about a position of authority. There is a particular position in the church of God which is not given for women to occupy. They are free to participate in every other aspect except for this position of authority.
Women have their wonderful position. In the creation of God, he made both male and female, which means that both gender have their respective function and position. And you need to know who you are so you can function accordingly, you can never get the best of all that is freely given to you if you don’t know who you are. A man can never take the place of a woman, neither can a woman; contrary to this law of creation is perversion –if you’re taking another’s place, you are in perversion. A man is not created to conceive- that assignment is given to women.
The Bible says that the wife is the glory of the husband. They’re to be well taken care of and not to be treated as slaves. Showing your wife love is your responsibility as a husband. That is your position!
Whether the church teaches geography, mathematics or physics is not the question here, a true church of God only teaches the Word of God. Considering the environment of this word “teach”, it shows that what women are not permitted to teach is not an academic course, but rather the word of God.
The ministering of the Word of God is given to the ascension gifts which is the fivefold ministry (Ephesians 4 : 11). The Holy Ghost strictly separated that office for men.
However, this is not just established in the New Testament church; that has been God’s standard from the beginning. Let’s see it:
We found out that Paul made reference to the law and if we should look at when God called Aaron, he anointed Aaron and his sons into the priesthood office. Did Aaron have daughters? Yes! Numbers 18:11 made us know this. But they weren’t anointed to function in that regard.
When Jesus was to have his apostles, he selected 12 men. And though he had women following him, they had their place. But as regards calling people into the ministry, Jesus only gave that responsibility to men.
Women surely have their ministry. We can see that in the ministry of Jesus Christ. We have Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Susanna, who ministered to Jesus ‘from their substances’. The ministry of the woman is to take care of the ministry. If you as a woman want to be blessed, stay in your position, take care of the home, take care of the ministry and take care of your pastor.
Another ministry women have is a life ministry! How do I mean? From the understanding of scriptures, it becomes explicit to us that women can win unbelievers to Christ when they behold their chaste conduct coupled with respect (1Peter 3:1-2). From the respect they give to their husband, the way they present themselves publicly, to the way they take care of their family, they should preach Christ to their neighbours, such that their testimonies would make unbelievers believe.
So, brethren, there is no mistake when the bible says that women should not teach in the church. Rather, the Holy Ghost has ordered His church on how to operate.
Blessed are you if you submit yourself to the word of God!