The world today is sectioned into various continents by God, and you’ll agree with me that each continent still contains several nations in it, with various constitutions and rules that govern them, and these constitutions were created to enhance productivity in these nations. Another thing about these constitutions is that they vary across nations; today, there are diversities in the affairs of the different nations.

Text: Exodus 19:4, Exodus 20:1, Luke 22:28, Exodus 19:17, Exodus 25:5, Deuteronomy 22:5, Luke 8:1,

Now God is interested in building himself a kingdom out of these nations, a nation He can call His own, a nation where he will give them his own constitution, a kind of constitution that no man can amend, and if anyone tries to amend it, such a person will be destroyed. It’s a pity that today, many denominational churches are busy amending God’s constitutions; they put women on the pulpit as against God’s order, they preach trinity(God the father, God the son and God the Holy spirit) and all kinds of doctrines that violate God’s constitutions, I tell you that destruction is coming upon them at his own appointed time, because there are penalties for amending God’s constitutions.

Now, God started the process of building a kingdom in Egypt, where he called out the children of Israel from the constitutions of the Egyptians, brought them out of their religious mess (their way of life) into His own defined constitution. This process didn’t stop with them (Israelites), God extended it to us too as gentiles; the Egypt of today is the world at large, and God is calling out His own children from the messy world of religious biases into His own kingdom. As God brought out the children of Israel from Egypt out of slavery, so also has God entered into this world to bring us out from the slavery of sin, it’s now up to us to accept to be delivered from slavery.

If you are living in sin and you think you’re smart, you are a complete fool, you’re a slave to the devil, and mind you, you aren’t harming anyone by being a sinner, rather you are investing into your final doom which is to come.

Have you seen what God did to set you free? We ought to have seen it, because we should know what we were before now, and how God has worked upon us, no prophet had to bath us in any river to save us, it is the word of God that has changed us from what we used to be. I urge you reading this review to open your heart to the word of God, cos there is power in the word of God.

God gave them a condition for being part of the kingdom, same way He gave us today, God specifically told them that “if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure” . God’s emphasis on obedient is something we should not overlook in this kingdom, God was so conscious about His kingdom that he drafted for them (the children of Israel) a well-structured constitution that covered all their way of life, even down to what they are to eat or wear. He left no stone unturned. God is also calling His children into His kingdom and has given us constitutions that we must obey. Therefore, a drift from His instructions avails us rejection from his kingdom.

God Introducing Himself To his Chosen Nation

Exodus 20:1

One thing God did with the children of Israel after choosing them was introducing himself to them, same goes to us as believers. God who has called us out of the world system and has delivered us from all of its bondage is in this time introducing himself to the bride and He’s doing this by giving us his principles for us to follow daily. One of the understanding God gave His children when He was introducing Himself to them is the understanding of the “Godhead” and how he detests idolatry. He specifically told them – Thou shall have no other gods before me, but what do we have today in some so-called churches of the world? They divided God into three (3) and have forgotten that God is a jealous God.

Who Built the Kingdom?

When God called the children of Israel from Egypt to his own kingdom, did God build the kingdom for them? Was it recorded that God had to make provisions for the materials he wants to use in building the kingdom? The answer is “NO”, the highest we can see is God sending His messenger to relate a message to His people, they had to build the kingdom by themselves with the help of God’s instructions. The act of building a Kingdom for God is what we see with Jesus Christ (Luke 22:28), he came to call out his own out of the worldly system and if truly you are a child of God you are part of his kingdom. He picked his disciples with the goal of building God’s new testament Kingdom.

The true church of God is called out of the world with a message just like Moses called the children of Israel out of Egypt with a message. We have been called out on eagle’s wings which is the word of God and He has made us a kingdom of priest governed by His constitution. The constitution of God is a constitution of peace, and progress and if you want to succeed in the kingdom, believe in the word of God.

The building of the kingdom which God created for the Israelites was done with what God provided for them. The same thing holds for us as believers. God will not descend to drop things used to propagate the gospel on earth, it is our duty to use from what God has provided us with; be it our money, time, talent, we are meant to build the kingdom of God with our own quota. You can afford to be an observer in the process, an observer cannot benefit from the kingdom. Whatever you have today it is by the grace of God, when God then asks for it and you think you are smart, you are on the route of outsmarting your way from the blessings of God.

The first instruction which God gave them after calling them into His kingdom was to bring before Him offering and this offering was not by force it was by choice.

The Devil is good at bastardizing the life of people, he sometimes squeezes them and makes them feel unforgivable by God, but here is a message brought to you from God; a message that delivers. All you need to do is accept this message. Jesus Christ who gave the woman at the well  living water that quenches is still alive to do the same for you.

Just accept His call into His kingdom and you will feel the peace of God in You. God Bless you as you accept His call today.

