Shalom brethren, we welcome you today to our sermon review. Today we started a new teaching on the topic titled “America, The Second Beast”.

Text: Revelation 13:11-12, Revelation 1:14-16, Revelation 13:1-2, Revelation 17:1-2, Revelation 4:6, Daniel 7:19-22, Revelation 12:9, Revelation 13:3.

Brethen the Book of Revelation is a book of symbols; It cannot be literally interpreted; it is coded in mysteries. Only those that are given to know the mysteries of the kingdom can decode it. So the mystery of the second beast, its characteristics, its works are all coded in Revelation 13. Before we speak on the second beast, we need to understand who the first beast was.

The First Beast

The first beast is the Roman Empire as explained in Revelation 13: 1, it is referred to as ‘The First World’ or the ‘Old World’. Revelation 13 gave a description of its make up, some of which include 7 heads, 10 horns with 10 crowns, blasphemy written on its fore head. Looking at this features we need to see beyond the literal representation and open our hearts to what they mean from the spiritual perspective. Rome is the last empire that ruled the whole world and its phase of leadership brought destruction to moral and religious standard of the world. The Bible said that the first beast came out of the sea (Revelation 13:1) and seated upon many waters (Revelation 17:1), which denotes that this beast is made up of several people and countries. She also sits upon a scarlet beast (Revelation 17:4) which denotes her power through which she is operating.

Now to the second beast:

The second beast was from the earth, it is just a country (which could comprise of many states), but not as the first beast that ruled the world as an empire.

Understanding the word “The Beasts” and the “Living Creatures”

Though the word beast has several meaning, it is not a good word. God doesn’t use it to describe his people. We need to clear the mistranslation of the word beast in Revelation 4:6 KJV. The word beast is different from living creatures. Checking through other versions of the Bible the word used was Living creatures except KJV. Before the throne of God are four living creatures not beasts, that have eyes all over them guiding the throne of God. Brethren, beast cannot guide the throne of God, the living creatures are human beings, and so also are the beasts (they comprise of people) but they are different.

The living creatures are human beings who have eternal life; with the mark of God upon their forehead, which is the revelation of the word of God, they respond to the word of God, live by it and in turn have a hope of eternity thereafter.

A beast is one who rejects the word of God, they hold firm to their creeds and dogmas, to protect their denomination at the expense of the truth of God.  The mark of denominations is their doctrines, and it is not from God. Every denomination is operating the beast system. A man who rejects the word of God and the doctrine of the apostolic fathers of the Bible is no different from a beast.

Of the four empires that ruled the world; the Roman Empire was the strongest, yet the most degraded empire. It is a world of clay and iron. When it was in effect, they gave the whole world their religion which is “Roman Catholic.’’ She is the whore that commits fornication (Revelation 17:1-end) with the whole world.

How is Roman Catholic controlling the whole world?

Rome is ruling the world spiritually through her religion. Catholic is the religion of the European community; the church and the state are one, they mixed together just like the Islam religion is in Iran. It is through this religion that she has seduced all men into fornication, which are the dogmas she introduced into Christianity against the word of God, hence the name Beast! Emperor Constantine was the one who united the state and the religion together which was used to infuse all the gibberish that has killed the people spiritually. The Roman Empire ruled the world for almost 1000 years, the longest so far, compared to other empires as explained in Daniel 7:19. This period was known as the ‘dark age period’, so Rome ruled the world and is ruling the world through her religion. Since she is operating in a beastly power, no life can come out of her; she is doing all she is doing to kill. You can’t make it to heaven through her. You have to come out of her to the true word of God to make rapture.

The Acts of the Apostles is the frame work of the church. That is the foundation upon which any ‘would-be’ church of Jesus Christ is built. If the acts of the Holy Ghost in the apostles are not seen in any church today in conduct, doctrine and order, it is not of God. The Holy Spirit is the guarantee of our eternity, not your degree.

The Roman Catholic Church is full of the dead saints, she has killed physically and through her religion is killing spiritually and again, she will yet kill physically again after the rapture. When the gospel will return to the Jews through Moses and Elijah, she will wage war against them and kill them; she also will kill the foolish virgins for their testimonies.

Brothers, do you think it will be possible for you stand for Christ during the oncoming tribulation that shall befall the foolish virgins if in this time of grace, it is hard for you to accept simple biblical doctrine by the scriptures? If at this grace age, we cannot deny ourselves, how can we deny when the fiery torment of the Roman Catholic rise at the last 3½years of the seven years left for the Jews.

“…Her deadly wound”

There was a man by the name of Martin Luther who God used to give her this deadly wound (Revelation 13 :3). Before this time, the only organised church on earth was Roman Catholic, she through her power kept the Bible away from the people, the only thing they knew about God is what their ‘Papa’ tells them; they don’t have access to the Bible to know the truth and because of this, they were able to feed the world with their dogmas. Martin Luther wrote 95 heresies of the Roman Catholic system, and a great revival sprung up from this which gave birth to the Protestant Movement. This revival really gave her a deadly wound, she almost lost her power. Many people upon seeing the revelation of the word of God came out of her and began to build upon the word of God. God revealed to Martin Luther that ‘’the Just shall live by faith’’ and it tore apart their system.

But then, she was healed. And according to the Bible, it was the second beast that healed her wound (Revelation 13: 11 – 12).


America, the second beast is currently exercising the power of the first beast, it has built up all the mess of Rome again and will still do more. America today is the greatest country, and everybody is listening to her, but alas, her kings are those without the fear of God, and by this a degeneration of the world through Rome that has been wounded is being revived. All we have to do as believers is to look up for our time of departure is at hand. Shalom.