Shalom and welcome to our newest sermon review! To crown up the topic we’ve been considering, we dived into the aftermath of trials after we’ve passed. Like we’ve established in our previous review that trials are training tools in the hand of God to work upon us as Christians, and thus it’s for a while; the goal for us as believer is to be in the process portraying the right attitudes per time. when we can successfully graduate from our trials; taking time to learn and drop the needful, then God can trust us enough to wrought his blessings upon us.
Texts: GALATIANS 3:13, GENESIS 12:1-3, GENESIS 17:10, JOHN 14:26, 1 PETER 3:5, GENESIS 18:12, ROMANS 4:11, ROMANS 3:29, ISAIAH 55:10-11, ISAIAH 54:4, DEUTERONOMY 8:2-3, 1 PETER 5:10, LUKE 22:37 ISAIAH 54:4-8,15, ISAIAH 57:4-5, ISAIAH 51:7-18,21-22
Throughout the scriptures, God has always been a fountain of blessings, which means that everything He does will eventually yield blessing on us. Again, trials, tests and temptations have their good side inasmuch as it’s coming from our loving father; God subjects you through the odds because he wants to prove you, and guess what? God will not use the Holy Spirit to test the Holy Spirit, rather He uses the devil to test the Holy Spirit. One of the reasons God took the Jews through the wilderness was to humble them through test and trails. The Bible said God subjected them to hunger, so that they can know that ‘man doesn’t live by bread alone’, they had to tested to see if they can command God’s promise of blessing into existence, but they couldn’t because of their attitudes. Brethren our attitude towards the promise of God would either make us lose the blessing or have it; so we ought to be men and women of character as God takes us through our trying time, because it surely will end in praises. You may not understand, but you have to follow Him by Faith. Amen. We could learn that from our father of faith.
God came to Abram, and instructed him to leave his kinsmen to a land where He will show him, and God promised to make him a great nation, and in him, all the families of the earth will be blessed; Abram obeyed, even when he never knew where God was taking him to, he took a step of faith, and he served God genuinely, he didn’t robbed God of tithes (he offered the tenth of all to Melchizedek when he met him on the way after coming back from the battle), neither did he robbed God of offering (he could offer the only son he had when God placed a demand on him, even after many years of childlessness, he was ready to die without a child, he kept his faith). After he passed all, God came down and swore by Himself that he was going to bless Him. Yes, God promised Abraham at first when he called him, but he didn’t send down the blessing instantly, Abraham had to pass all that God took him through in other to affirm the blessings. The same holds for us; God’s blessing will manifest in your life when you’ve successfully passed every test and trails that God takes you through.
Let’s examine the connection of Abraham’s Blessing to The Gentiles.
Although God divided the world into two (Jews and Gentiles), the Jews were given the law and a covenant of circumcision was established with them, for the Gentiles, they weren’t given the law neither were they given the covenant of circumcision, but God who is all knowing made provision for the two world (Jews and Gentiles) by engrafting the gentiles into the blessing of Abraham, and this came to reality after Abraham had successfully passed all his ordained trails, it automatically qualified him to be the Father of them all, making him have two seeds -the natural seed (Jews by law) and the spiritual seed (Gentiles by faith in Christ Jesus).
So, we can buoyantly claim the blessing of Abraham, because we have the faith of Abraham. And it’s worthy of note that as seed of Abraham who have the faith of Abraham, we must do the works of Abraham. That is when we are truly children of Abraham and we can claim to be partakers of Abraham’s Blessing.
The dealing of God with the Jews is physical, but for the Gentiles, it’s spiritual, therefore, all the blessings of Abraham enjoyed by the natural seed also belongs to us spiritually, because we are part of Him, and this doesn’t not exclude physical blessings, inasmuch as God blessed them in all ramifications, we also are partakers of this blessings.
How do we get into the blessing of Abraham?
For the natural seeds, they got into the blessing by accepting God’s provided way; God made with them a covenant of natural circumcision, which was practically done by cutting off the surplus flesh, God took this covenant serious such that anyone who refuses to circumcise will be killed, and thus is not a seed of Abraham. Now For the spiritual seeds, the spiritual covenant God made with us is a spiritual circumcision of the heart (Holy Spirit), and anyone who doesn’t have the spirit of God dwelling in him is not of God, and he is not a seed of Abraham. Then how do you possess the blessing? we get into the blessing of Abraham by being part of the spiritual covenant. So, you need to ask yourself sincerely “do I have the Holy Spirit?”
Without the Holy Spirit dwelling in you, all your spiritual labour is in vain, and since God promised Abraham that in him, all the families of the earth will be blessed, there’s no blessing coming on you if you don’t have God’s Spirit. As a matter of fact, the blessing of Abraham upon us as Gentiles is the Holy Spirit, for that is our Sabbath (spiritual rest) and Promise Land.
Therefore, let not your heart be weary, as long as you’re in Christ, the blessing of God is upon you, and God will bring every of his promises to pass in your life. Your trial is for a while, and at the end, it’ll turn for your testimony. All you need to do is to keep walking in the steps of faith of Abraham, and God will promote you.
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